Saturday 25 April 2015

okay this is going to get a bit 'silly' now...not that I want it to but chosen subject matter is mkultra programming...and how to deprogram from it....

I can remember MI5 looking at this pic and saying "microchipped ear...pierced ear"...and col the sol was to agree...

what else? the above was put up by 'piri reis' and I know that the 'piri' was a link to the following:

....and another 'intrusive item' i.e. a I hate intrusive advertising at the best of times....and even though this is a petition and not 'advertising'...additionally, it might be for a 'good cause' for all I know...however, the fact that I cannot get rid of it - off of my screen...annoys me to the point where I then make a mental note NOT to sign you see how it goes?

anyway, having had to close down the above browser and open up the link again...luckily this time the intrusive petition was to vanish once I had clicked on the 'x'....

I was then to read about 'wedges' we are talking 'Norwegian intelligence' again....? and what appears to be something of a 'food battlefield' upon the kitchen table....

piri reis must have been very important to Tomlinson...because I am now beginning to 'get' why he had done, what he had that Templar castle event...whilst off his head on drugs...see previous notes upon what was to happen to that man with a huge cancerous growth upon his skull....

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