Thursday 3 October 2024

 ....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?...well, i was to receive another email from moorcroft and as far as i know this is a common trap that many of those targeted by criminals-operating-through-companies-like-O2...tend to fall into....i.e. they ring then be forced into a corner, whereupon they say that they won't pay until etc etc....moorcroft then says words to the effect of 'so you're refusing to pay?' etc etc....apparently that is a key legal point, according to have to appear willing to 'settle' even if it is 02 who owe you money and not the other way round....and so obviously i didn't call back in order for some lackey to tell me that i was breaking the law - via a transcript on their desk of how to effectively do it themselves via a loophole etc etc...."extortion" replies BI online....exactly that....coercion, too - i might add....anyway, i then sent them off the two email addresses that i have for Catherine Whyte at the ombudsman - telling moorcroft that they had better discuss the matter with her first.....and what else?...well, upon having a look at the email address for her 'out-of-office' reply....i realised where i had seen it before...a quick scan then revealed that it had once been rodway 'n' william's - at 45 francis utilised by her 'tards'....anyway, whoever it was - who had been working whyte's desk had wanted to know where i had seen that address first....and there's more....a lot of 'fishing', let us least by lisa 'n' the prague rothschild, all of those years ago now....and yes, this has all got to be 'cryptic' any rate, i was to go into hiding - having escaped from rodway 'n' williams who had gone 'on the prowl' after having climbed over the barrier at the bottom of francis road - into the wasteland overlooking the canal....anyway, they had been recalled for one of their so-called satanic 'rites' by that cipolla/morton gang - remember where that 'secret seven' gang had murdered that down-and-out in a hut upon the allotments nearby?....and they had figured that i would be a likely candidate for their latest etc etc....hmmm.....judy dance was on hand, to help....she found a 'safe place' let us say for me to hide for the duration....and bizarrely enough, handed me a kettle...something that lisa had coded out....ELT-TEK....anyway, seeing as i had already managed to get onto the main desk, in the area beforehand....i had enough protection upon the system, in order to 'keep safe' for the next 24 hours....additionally, i had also used my knowledge gained at warwick - whilst upon that 'secret government' tie up a lot of loose strands up, let us say....regarding future scripts....more shall i explain 'that one'?.....ELT-K-ET....something around rear-admiral losey 'n' kamala....remember - she appears to have taken his place upon the system - see previous notes upon 'all of that', how did that happen etc etc...."obama's network"....precisely that....who are still hoping for that 'junglebook/planet of the apes' mossad NWO number....never going to happen...ask pentagon emet 'why' it goes, eh?

anyway, according to rodway, it was the quicker route....remember how lazy she was....and stupid, i might add...but hey, maybe she just liked living dangerously....and well, that much was indubitably true....criminally, i might

anyway, as an upshot to the whole of the above 'sorry saga'...the prague rothschild had left a note upon the timer system regarding mossad 'alma dolls'....remember your 'alma mater' or erstwhile place of 'education', let us say...alma mater....the 'nourishing mother' wonder he had laughed at rodway going round to sylvia's at no. 8 for a good 'nosh'...along the lines of 'ergo-kali'....guess what that means.....more laughter....oh and the prague rothschild had been interested in where exactly they had been see, i had figured that rodway could access the allotments more easily by etc etc via her back garden but he appeared to figure that the recall signal had been coming from over the gill as 'charon' the ferryman etc etc?....and well, all i can say to 'that one' is that they obviously had some sort of 'facility' to cross the canal, at the bottom of francis road.......go figure:

and what else?...well - seeing as O2 has sent yet another threatening letter  - whilst refusing to enter into any 'settlement' or discussion of the matter, whatsoever....i've sent the following off to the lot of them....moorcroft/ombudsman/garnett etc etc included...go figure:

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