Friday 4 October 2024

 ...and what else, dazzlenation?...well, in relation to andrew....a bit more upon 'the satanic mills' as marr had once dubbed 'sir ian mills'....and yes, i can remember now - to relation to having been taken on a visit to that talbot place house, to meet mill's adoptees - late 60s, blackheath...remember how gill was then given to her, as her mind control slave 'doll' to play with etc etc....omg...having to wade through this and a new text has just cropped up from ranworth surgery, upon my mobile phone - 10.04 am....telling me that they can now confirm that they have amended my 'sharing of data options as requested'....let us hope that they mean the 'opt-out' rather than 'opt-in' version, eh?....i digress, let me continue...all, had been sent to private schools because the education was so much better than at all saints primary (where myself and marr's gang had all been sent) then present only 'C's upon their report cards...and well, mills had reacted 'badly', let us say...a bit of a champagne socialist, perhaps?...anyway, he had stated bitterly that they were all failures (academically) and therefore unable to help him to continue his research - despite having been given etc etc....he then 're-homed' them in solihull and thereabouts.....oh and rodway had been mortified because her new step-father in solihull, wasn' shall i put it?...."not up to the standard she required" replies BI online...a bit too 'working class' and MI5?...remember her new step-dad used to stand in for scarlett aka middle-class mod/MI6, now and then...and so yes, he could certainly put on an 'act' where necessary etc etc....anyway, let us now recap what had happened next regarding rodway at her new step-dad's house....very close to solihull town centre...despite having being sent to the best state school available, at the time - in the area i.e. tudor grange...she had coveted the 'gyde' household....the middleclassness of it all, i attracts like...rodway 'n' sylvia....bullying tards on-the-make because they don't really know what else.....or how shall i put else to 'cut-it' in life...and as their brains degenerate, in relation to brain-damage/enforced-memory-dump/brain-surgery-to-remove etc etc ....isn't it all so terrible?....anyway, to cut a long story short....i am reminded of nazi-joo/jooish-nazi 'quasi-collie' - regarding mill's bone structure and 'eyes' is quite possible that 'quasi-collie' had also come from a similar background - remember her show-but-not-tell clue in her warwick univ. office?...she had had a jooish ashkenazim religious icon, upon one of her shelves (that gill had recognized, immediately) - put there, by potsy, i might add...a mind control device, that she had been unable to talk about, at the time....and so ostensibly a 'nazi' at MI6 but also an 'ashkenazim' joo underneath?...hmmm...let me guess....and how many others, eh?... not just 'potsy', that's for many others had been sent 'mad' because of etc etc.....let me guess....what about 'bibi' netanyahu?.....anyway, from the micro to the macro - a significant minority of israelis do not think that celebrating 'victory' over the other arab nations is a 'good' idea (courtesy of netanyahu's control of the state media circus in israel - including the sharing of sweetmeats live on TV, every time more die, in the countries around them - according to the latest report from a BBC radio 4 correspondent) around their own 'arab' country, situated in the middle of etc on a tangent now and that is because i am simply reminded of hitler/netanyahu....along with the SOE and other resistance movements, worldwide - regarding WWII...if you want to do something about it.... remember you have working brains and use them - also remember history tells us that bullying 'tard-force' might seem 'huge' (the right of the might, might of the right - remember petra phelps - no doubt, an 'alma doll' in her own right - nowadays) but that it is repeatedly defeated, over and over again by a small minority with the brains to get-it-right ...exercise those brain cells, that's all i can say etc etc....anyway, from the macro to the micro....let's now return to remember 'andy' from that gay-prostitute-mind-control-slave-gang that rodway had been running and from her teenage years onwards....because he had been judy dance's 'favourite'....see previous notes upon how he had come to clacton, so many years ago...having decided to 'live-as-a-woman' and given me his show-but-not-tell masonic 'clue' to it all...which had been a rather perfumed pantene 'youth-protect' hair conditioner and told me that his gang of friends - run by rodway, hadn't been protected at all - despite social services having been involved etc etc.....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....hmmm....let me guess....mills hadn't reallly protected any of them, at all - had he?...despite having given them the best education, early on...."a paedophile racket" replies BI online..."he had been one of the worst"...oh and there's more....mills had told 'dave-the-photographer' - after he had got back from thailand - with his marriage dissolved....apparently he couldn't keep the lady-in-question, within the manner to which she had become accustomed....not enough photography work, there....and so she had basically ditched him after his money ran out and he had then returned to the UK....'ian mills' then told him that he was unable to get him another bona fide job as a photographer in london but hey, what about pornography?...'dave' simply had to find a 'niche' market and williams would help him to set up the biznez....hmmm....remember that oh-so-tasteful b/w portrait of a naked rodway with stockings on?....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....more laughter ....go figure:

and what else?...well, it just gets worse...regarding what mcgowan appears to be heavily obsessed with....whilst i have no idea what K pop or the like, is all about...seeing as i already enough on my plate etc etc...."a distraction exercise"...yes, i can see that...extremely irritating though...why does that 'tard' persist etc etc...and yes, mcgowan had been obsessive about the women 'stars' that he had been supposed to protect...via that CID/governmental appointments number ...but that is not my area and not my concern...what's the data upon that etc etc....give us something more, mcgowan and then BI online might be able to help you...otherwise, please refer your comments to 'red jester' aka the CID...and that is because he knows how to handle etc etc..bullying tard-force emails - alluding to remote-viewing - which i should NOT be subjected to......anyway, mcdonald 'n' sc had been especially fond of doing stuff via south korea - why not ask them?....hell, why not ask 'kamala harris' - in relation to her having started her career in, let me see....korea/career? thailand, to be specific.....rear-admiral losey knows - ask him,, i have absolutely no interest in finding out whether or not etc etc....this is all so pathetic, isn't it...and so 'anonymous' poster, had better back off upon 'that one'....if you ask me something within my area - i might answer....and what else - dazzlenation?...well, the drains around clacton are giving off quite a stench....hmmmm....highly likely to be something to do with the heavy rains....although come to think of it now....the prague rothschild and 'ergo-kali'?...more laughter....anyway, all are now within my remit - in relation to repayment, let us say...the remitting etc etc...nota bene O2/telefonica are currently in debt to me - to the tune of £87.75....see previous notes upon 'all of that'.........go figure:

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