.....and what's new upon my youtube frontpage, dazzlenation?....let me see...is this up your street in terms of 'kitschy'?....go figure:
.....and what's new upon my youtube frontpage, dazzlenation?....let me see...is this up your street in terms of 'kitschy'?....go figure:
....and what else, dazzlenation?....well, a couple of radio files that MI5 evans had wanted a reminder of...."whalley, too" replies BI online....in relation to their research project in combs.....and so anyway, evans was to state "who was that man"....behind sylvia in the graveyard....go figure:
.....and what's new this saturday evening, dazzlenation?....back to tard-ville....nobody got the guts to put up their own name etc etc....go figure:
....and what's new upon your site, dazzlenation?....oh i see...you might well want a reminder of the following address....is this 'kitschy' enough and yes, i can remember now - all rather 'deja vu'....anyway, the exterior looks a bit like belle-court-with-swiming-pool rather than collector station....froghole lane and in relation to jacob's ladder etc etc....go figure:
.....and what's new this saturday morning, dazzlenation?......another 'new comment'....lol....go figure:
....and what's new in the mugumogu household, then - dazzlenation?...let me see...and well i suppose that cats do silly things when it gets too hot...just like human beings etc etc....go figure:
....anyway, upon your theme of 'nothing actually works anymore' - dazzlenation....there was a power cut in clacton, earlier on...let us hope that it didn't affect the local hospital etc etc....go figure:
....and what's new this friday evening, dazzlenation?...let me see....you're on skynet...'nothing actually works anymore'.....er.....failing?...lol....anyway, i've just received a new comment....honestly i wonder why they bother, sometimes....what is the point etc etc....go figure:
....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, another 'new comment'...along with a couple of emails....one from microsoft and another...that i most definitely will not be opening...what is the 'moor group' anyway?....go figure:
...and in relation to that dip in the sea - yesterday morning, dazzlenation?...see previous post....hmmm....coded out upon masonic networks as 'getting to the heart of it all'...and yes, somebody had drawn a large 'heart' by the seashore etc etc....in relation to something that quasi-collie had left upon the timer system...after a 'beach holiday' in greece....and it was all about prince phillip/daldry/potsy/holliday family etc etc.....and what they had done - regarding setting up MOD colour factor programs and in relation to athens....anyway, whalley and mcdonough had joined an MI5 'language course' so many years ago now...to learn greek/ancient greek etc etc...."aramaic was included" replies BI online....only to have their language chips hacked by potsy's desk in athens....hmmm....and so what had he been up to?....well, if one looks at the investigations that were to ensue....we have to go back to susan bassnett's centre at warwick....and the swapping of cards as they fell, let us say....before they hit the ground in the form of something like a game of pelmanism....one big metaphor for 'hitting the ground running' after memory dump....lol....the only thing that bassnett and quasi-collie could think of to counter potsy's threat, at the time....oh and we can add a few more strands...for example - bassnett talking about how she figured that it all came down to the schism between the greek and russian church - which had radically changed world history...although she had actually made a point of talking about the catholic rather than greek early church etc etc...whereas sabina sharkey had figured that it was more to do with that armenian saint - celebrated at the armenian museum in jersualem...."gregory"....thank you for that - yes, remember that painting of him baptising his converts in the river?....because potsy had had another meptaphor going....regarding the early church in greece, his programming in of satanic soviet apostles etc etc....he was the big 'fisherman' who was casting his net....they were all caught....unlike the israelites (and this is where it gets 'weird') who manage to cross the dry bed of the nile, to safety etc etc....remember what the prague rothschild team had done etc etc?......oh and then there's jeremy clayton -a soviet agent who had been immediately been brought under the control of rodway - that family holiday at hill house combs and made to work for her 'fairy likud' outfit.....oh and i might add that jeremy had advised grandma and grandpa clayton upon a package holiday, in their dotage....which had included a trip to corinth....apparently grandpa hadn't found his 'sea legs' on board whatever cruiseliner, they had been on at the time....but was eventually cured by something in the medicine cabinet of a vicar, who had also been part of their tour group etc etc...oh and granny had had a 'moment' whilst walking in the footsteps of st paul, let us say...and yes, they all knew the gospel, almost off by heart etc etc....in short, from corinth - grandma had picked up potsy's desk in athens....which is presumably what jeremy had been after, at the time....and so what had potsy been up to?...well, daldry had also set an MOD program in athens - with whalley - during her 'bus-trip-to-greece' episode.....so he might have some idea...as might nigel who had been fascinated by a large bzyantine church in athens...described the iconography as 'brutalist'....a bit like what had been on show, in ein kerem etc etc....oh and whalley had also traced a network between all of the youth hostels in which she had stayed....with a particularly reference to one in former yugoslavia, twinned with the one in athens.....oh and let's not go near to that whole 'bus-trip--to-russia' biznez....remember, those like nigel had been on both...and yes, i'm just trying to cover...to understand what bassnett had been digging for...when she talked about that early church/greek-russian schism etc etc.....which from my perspective is probably more to do with what marr had known about regarding the conflation of the two reigns...that of elizabeth I and elizabeth II.....remember lisa had been obsessive about kelly and dee, the court magicians....centred her totnes/prague alchemy program around etc etc....oh and not forgetting sylvia wood who had previously worked at the athens BC DTO before yemen and then prague - as a mossad operative, deep-cover.....the athens BC DTO - where nigel had been very interested in meeting the young chief-medical-officer-to-be 'whitty'.....and so even though there were many who were interested in the history as well as the ancient history of it all, i might add - in relation to religion and mythology....not least, the masons - regarding eleusian mysteries....right up potsy's street in relation to wicca man type stuff i.e. child sacrifice etc etc....which is not what interests me here....because my sixth sense is picking up on prince phillip in his madness and 'brave new world'....remember the medical history of the british royal family?...so many 'differently abled children' locked up in mental health hospitals, up north etc etc.....and all because of hereditary diseases due to presumably inbreeding in order to keep the money/power within their social class...hmmm...icke goes on about this elite class as having supernatural powers, relating to their 'bloodline' and yet, if one looks at it clinically - it is quite the opposite etc etc.....and then a sudden huge split with tradition.....'brave new world'....nazi-joo/jooish-nazi creches...no contact allowed with birth parents.....do you see what i'm getting at, here?....along with a question that has been puzzling me about what marr has touched upon before....regarding his book about 'elizabethans'....remember shakespeare had reputedly bought/stolen his works from ghost authors e.g. marlowe etc etc....the patterns are similar....regarding both courts and in relation to their 'culture' let us say....however there are some stark differences....and the big question upon my pad, this morning - is how come elizabeth I dallied with the most powerful man in europe at the time i.e. the king of spain - regarding diplomacy/influence/balance of power etc etc....and yet, elizabeth II married what turned out to be a madman from the greek court.....lol....it might sound funny....but it was an arranged marriage despite courtiers claiming that it was a 'love' match etc etc....just like her son prince charles' arranged marriage etc etc....and arranged marriages are all about trade deals/political affairs....keeping the money in the family etc etc....and so my question is....why was madman phillip seen as a better bet, than a sane prince of spain etc etc....more laughter....and yet, none of this is really 'funny' as mark r had known....after a US investigation into phillip's building a 'titanic mark II' underground, for his elite class....in preparation for his planned 'noah's ark' event - regarding climate change....something that the marines were able to stop in time....regarding that submarine/bomb under the icecap etc etc...oh and a holiday number, that i haven't mentioned as yet - which ties up with rodway's alliance - regarding CF and soros....oh and greek student fani, used to see soros as an avuncular figure - who then helped her to get out of the clutches of tomlinson, whilst at warwick etc etc....anyway, we have the holliday family programming themselves and their elite in as 'olympian gods/goddesses-on-their-desks' in relation to the use and abuse of MI5 members....using 'the magus' as their programming manual....anyway, italian intelligence/laura and her allied japanese network, then became interested in digging up the whole caboodle, again....and so was 'bahar' - the turkish muslim student upon my course....and of course, she would naturally know so much more than most, given the context....and in relation to what tomlinson had known...hmmm....remember that diversion into turkey - that my bus-trip-to-greece had taken etc etc .......go figure.
....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?...well, first up - an update upon what had happened yesterday morning - after my early morning dip in the sea....later on, i was to visit morrison's...to encounter that 'tardy' assistant who had been programmed to meet rodway and then send her on her way, with travel tickets etc etc to turkey....and yes, another set-up/tard-attack which i neatly had to avoid with the help of another assistant and so yes, the danger passed....as it always does but not without causing me hurt and upset, let us say - at yet another needless attack..."pointless" replies BI online.....let me spell out the details, she had set me up...my HSBC card didn't work in a particular self-service till (despite having been to the bank earlier on and printed off a statement - showing that i had more than enough money in my account to pay for considerably more than just etc etc)....anyway, i'd put all of my shopping through upon a 'card only' till' and so she was to print off the receipt...take it outside of the barrier (which opens if you have a receipt in your hand) and take that receipt to the tobacco counter, as she was to call it...whereupon she then told me that i could pay there and to pack up all of my shopping into my own bags - she then swiftly removed my trolley.....what a set-up, eh?...she then promptly disappeared....giving the 'ID' around her neck, to her replacement assistant....i waited...until he came to ask me what was up...obviously i wasn't going to pack my shopping away into my bags and try to get through the barrier without a receipt....and so having explained it all swiftly to the new assistant - he told me that he would pass my shopping through to the tobacco counter assistant behind the barrier, to avoid setting off the alarm system by taking my shopping through them etc etc.....do you see how it goes....every single day...another 'tardy-mossad- network' attack of some description....because that trip-to-turkey-rodway shitshow is still running...i.e. the program is still waiting to be activated........and i keep on appearing instead of rodway and mucking it all up for them....despite the fact that they all must presumably know that rodway/alma-doll isn't going to turn up and....perhaps, they're hoping for a replacement upon the system, to turn up instead - who knows, eh?....lol....i can laugh at them but i am so sick of all of this etc etc....go figure.
...oh and morrison's site is now advertising a variation i.e. with a yellow stripe and bill.....oh i see what had happened there....this is all about potsy again....who had demanded that they change the design to incorporate that yellow 'touch'....remember his ashkenazim 'bananas' number etc etc...."making sure he got paid" replies BI online....for what?...a cut 'n' paste job that doesn't work....lol....oh and there's more as there invariably is...something that MI5 evans 'n' whalley had found out about that au pair 'julianna' (late 60s, blackheath)....in short, she had been potsy's girlfriend of the time - a teenager, whilst he was probably in his early 20s....and so yes, that had been the first time that i had encountered him, as a small child...and i had been furious with julianna for her 'betrayal', let us say....anyway, i can remember evans going berserk in relation to what he had found out next, about the twenty-something potsy....at that point in time - he had been experimenting with 'zyklon B gas'....which had given evans pause for thought....to then exclaim...."so he was a nazi, then?"....an investigation immediately ensued....oh and as children - potsy used to program us with 'memory dump' using 'fairy likud bubbles'....remember those circles-on-a-stick through which to blow bubbles?...he was to explain to julianna, on the heath...."it takes their memories away..." i.e. we were supposed to blow those rainbow-tinged bubbles all away...watch the wind carry them away etc etc...anyway, you see what i mean about the confusion going on, in british society...nazi-joo/jooish-nazi etc etc...and there's more - regarding what rodway had programmed oscar 'n' sylvia with, whilst at no. 6....and this goes back to my earliest recurrent dream of those 'flying seats' that i used to call 'honkases'....onkos...inga had made me put an 'h' in - as she was to do, with so many words....remember - i had spoken french before english and tended to drop my 'h's etc etc.....onkos - meaning bulk or mass in greek.....and relating to 'dark matter'....and oncology - the study of cancer etc etc....in short, the mossad were trying to program me, rather than sylvia with 'onkos' cancer-related blockages...despite not having cancer and in no danger of that type of event...oh and potsy had gone further....i can remember what had been on the screen, at the time...additionally, laura 'n' darwin had also joined in - regarding that 'fainting episode' let us say....which i had put down to e-coli poisoning.....severe stomach pain etc etc...and what else?...well, upon getting to know franco - he had laughed....that his 'sister' had been called 'julianna'....oh and gill was to have it out with her, in paris....what had she been up to, along with her family....they were to all intents and purposes a jooish-italian swiss family up to no good - regarding myself, gill et al....and so yes, they hadn't included gill within their circle of trust, let us say....go figure:
.....and what's new this thursday morning, dazzlenation?...ah, we're still on 'embryonic development of the skate' regarding cartilage......with a rather nasty 'twist', let us say....i.e. who is trying to block it?....."MI6 tards" replies BI online....exactly that and guess what they have recruited to do so?....a bunch of cut 'n' paste amateur mathematicians.....who were to leave their clue 'on the ground' as it were....regarding a certain towel, that i was to buy in a sale at morrison's - some time ago now....having recognised that symbolic cut 'n' paste job, intrinsic to the design.....i kid you not....a series of 'ducks'....remember my specialisation i.e. ripples that weren't supposed to come back from the rim of this 'bubble' but do...to then constellate in various patterns within it etc etc.....anyway, a bunch of amateurs then decided to try their luck and moore et al, were so puffed up, by it all...that they were to laugh about the design of their 'flagship' towel, let us say....along the lines of "she'll never guess"....tards - what can you do with them, eh?....see previous posts....go figure:
....i wonder how many did that 'val de ruz' trail, then - dazzlenation?....anyway, from the 'fleur boreale' to the 'ghost orchid', this evening....go figure:
....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...ah, i see - confirmation of sorts, regarding that 'val-de-ruz' hiking number.....anyway, MI5 evans might like to know that i'm now trying out one of sylvia's recipes....steaming ray in the microwave....rather than trout....the latter has too much of an earthy bottom-feeder type of taste etc etc....oh and upon seeing the name tag 'ray' and asking mistakenly if that pinkish white skinned fish were a skate....the morrison's fishmonger grunted in affirmation....i never could tell the difference and so i suppose that he might not have done either....but is there a 'taste' difference?....lol....go figure: