....oh and what about the following, dazzlenation?....go figure:
....oh and what about the following, dazzlenation?....go figure:
....and what's new this thursday morning, dazzlenation?...well, i can remember pat referring to the icon for dazzlenation's site...to then say "it had looked something like that"....a brief 'flash' of sorts, i suppose....and finally, i've found a film that might etc etc.....'the beast in the jungle'.....go figure:
.....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, i was struck by the following as being possibly linked etc etc....if only because the subject is coming up as part of the same clump, this evening...oldest jokes, anybody?...misericords and mercy seats.....go figure:
.....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, i can remember now...it had been MI5 evans who had been behind the 'mr frost'/twin peaks number.....additionally, he had wanted a reminder of sally morgan's defence of 'howard hughes'...."he wasn't like that!" etc etc....evans had then concluded that she must have known him - given her background...as a child, that is...."you must find out what she knew" etc etc....go figure:
er....something around those who like to control the world from one 'small interior'?
....and what's new this wednesday morning, dazzlenation?...let me see....and well, i think that i know what this is all about and if so - best not to say, eh?....for the time being, that is....lol....i could give you a clue, though - regarding those 'russian zionst protocols' etc etc...and all because gill, mcdonald and SC had rushed off to etc etc...in order to meet-the-man-who-had-all-the-contacts...and that had been jeff goldblum...suffice to say, roz went instead of me...i was in no mood to etc etc.....best to keep out of it, eh?....in relation to having been thoroughly embarrassed within the CIA lab, green tower, little italy, NY...by all and sundry i.e. not just the male 'joos' but also roz...."the soviet protocols are real"...to my bleating - rather lamely, in response - that the entirety of the internet now said that they were false etc etc...i was then told various 'hurried' personal accounts, as they made ready to leave...in terms of how they had all been signed up for etc etc....every jooish male, apparently...."they always come after you"...."they give you money"..."you agree"...not thinking that you'll get sucked in further to etc etc...just nice friendly men like jeff goldblum, who honestly wouldn't hurt a fly....more laughter....anyway, gill and the rest of them - knew the protocols by heart...they had lived by them, at an earlier age etc etc..."to then have got out of mind control" replies BI online...exactly, they had realised that it was satanic soviet nihilism at its worst...to then go and try to do something about it - hence the trip to see goldblum - who had offered his list of contacts but not without a 'meeting' first etc etc...suffice to say the meeting with goldblum had been a trap...something that my sixth sense had warned me about, in the first place etc etc...and seeing as i was the mathematician of the piece - in short, i had to 'keep safe', if nobody else did etc etc.......go figure:
oh and jooish hollywood had told goldblum not to worry...the following film would be a masonic affair...i.e. if they could get away with it, in plain sight then etc etc....oh and remember sue whalley and her sister laughing "Mr Frosty?" - regarding a certain colour of lipstick etc etc....anyway, the film 'mr frost' is very much reminding me of the relationship between sonia fisher 'n' richard tomlinson....as it goes, eh?
.....and what's new this tuesday evening, dazzlenation....well, can you remember 'the sun makers'?....go figure:
....and what's new upon the timer system, this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?...well, this is the best laugh that i've had and in so long......guess 'why'....go figure:
....and then we're off to exmoor and 'clicket' - dazzlenation...lol....courtesy of daldry....hmmm...something around his obsession with miners and mining....oh and in a rather alternate dimension - i'd forgotten to mention that sylvia's brothers had turned up to threaten grandpa clayton, regarding etc etc....grandpa - having had the foresight to tell violet to hide the key and contact stan....who then turned up to get rid of the pair of them etc etc.....see previous posts...anyway, as far as i can remember - daldry had made mary et al, go on a hike - so many years ago, now...."all around the mulberry bush" replies BI online...click-ET had been a reference to 'ed'.....one that daldry had figured they wouldn't 'get' - for some reason.....hmmm.....along with something around ex-moore, perhaps?.....go figure:
....and what else, dazzlenation?..well, i haven't seen plaza suite and so i cannot etc etc...apart from to comment that it is all a bit 'flowery', isn't it?....lol....go figure:
....and what's new upon the BBC site, dazzlenation?...well, remember that rather odd case, involving a 'melanie macron'-when-young lookalike....although this is all purely coincidence, i'm sure....no parallels to be drawn etc etc...anyway, i can remember sylvia coughing on the train, back to london....she'd inhaled too much coal dust, i suppose....see previous post....go figure:
.....and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?...well, in the macro - it's all about nazi-joos/jooish-nazis in relation to illegal testing upon the population at large......and in the micro?...all about a certain strain of diphtheria that sylvia had identified as 'b'....."she's up to something" violet clayton had told her husband...."look at her face"...apparently RH had been given something far less harmful and was up and running around, again - in no time etc etc....anyway, becky the poodle, had stayed in my room - due to the heater put in there, at the time....such a comfort, to have her company....despite grandpa complaining about the expense - violet replied "they die if you don't keep them warm" etc etc....anyway, toddy turned up some time later to sort things out and yes, he had been horrified by what sylvia had done etc etc...."they locked her in the doghouse" replies BI online....is that so?....i can vaguely remember something around that one....grandpa laughing..."you're not coming out until you promise to stop harming that child"....it was the coalshed, actually...is that how she got pneumonia etc etc......and what else?...roll on a decade and well, remember that large lesion upon dr tony smith's leg, in the fishwick's rectory kitchen etc etc....go figure:
are those the lyrics to that video?...see below:
....and what else, dazzlenation?...lol....i can remember quite a few people, having wanted a reminder of the following movie....remember what homer does at the end of the film - to a 'tardy' bullying kid?....go figure:
.....and what else, dazzlenation?...something 'fishy' going on, perhaps.....what could you mean....lol....anyway, i do hope that everybody very much enjoyed their 'fishing trip'...as much as i enjoyed watching it...'fried fish', eh? etc etc....go figure:
.....and what's new this monday morning, dazzlenation?...well, something a bit peculiar going on here and i sense mcgowan's hand-in-the-mix....hmmmm....why had it been delivered by the royal mail, in the first place - seeing as amazon normally covers just about anything and everything but not this time etc etc....go figure:
....and what's new this sunday evening, dazzlenation?..ah, i can see that you had wanted a reminder...or would that be 'crappy' had wanted a reminder of who had gone down to the woods, that day etc etc....lol....in short, this is all about swinton 'n' armstrong at lydford house.....they were to realise that something was in the air.....something that threatened their sick 'n' stupid 'wicked witches' cult, along with their satanic 'harry potter' cult....if only they could work out 'what'....oh and i would guess that they had had a bit of a 'falling out' about it....more laughter.....go figure:
....'to be or not to be' - dazzlenation....along with an aside to 'do you really want to destroy the really 'useful', in order to preserve your 'special-in-the-heads'?.....and if so....lol.....special-in-the-heads meet the most terrible ends, imaginable - and then it's 'straight-to-hell' for the lot of them...the most terrible 'jesuit' curse of the lot....which cannot be revoked.....regarding how the 'dursleys' i.e. 'idiot children' were to take over so-called military intelligence, with the imprints of etc etc...with their sick 'n' stupid 'wicked witches' number etc etc...anyway, a curse that has been laid upon that entire paedo-cannibal cult of class A drug addicts...oh and 'gill' had included the sephardim within that number, along with norwegian intelligence 'blocks of wood' and their 'masters'...."the entire norwegian network" replies BI online....more laughter....see previous posts....go figure:
....additionally, if you're looking for a 'wet patch' on the floor - dazzlenation...lydford house....hmmm....remember that TV series 'love for lydia'?.....go figure:
....oh and this residence looks 'cold', dazzlenation....see previous posts....go figure:
....and what else, dazzlenation?...let me see....'non-threatening-boys'?....lol....anyway, upon a name search for 'alex gyde'....i came across the following....go figure: