Friday, 6 October 2023

 ......and what page are you on, dazzlenation?...oh i see...where do we begin...what about what brenda had put on the timer system, regarding books-to-be-released-which-then-ended-up-in-essex-libraries-years-later-on etc etc....hmmm....and all because i have a 'nose' for that sort of thing - not that hard to and seeing as CF had been present, in her jaffa gate 'imperial-hotel-bedroom' at the time....she had to be very careful indeed - not to give the game away, let us relation to exposing 'sally morgan', for a book called 'the retreat'....i guess that i hadn't known as much about her origins, as i had previously thought...."child star" replies BI online....and not of british nationality - i'd known that, actually but not the other stuff....although, thinking about it now...she used to put on a fedora and etc etc whilst at dartington..."her thinking hat" replies BI online...."elle fanning"....hmmm - CF had been grooming her....set up as the arch nemesis, then?....and let me see...i'll give you another title 'the gone world' in which CF doubles up as a character named 'torgersen'....oh and with 'vardogger' we're back to john varro at dartington...with a 'doggo' mask/hat on his head...laughing to his mate about 'dogging'....and there's more....because toddy had paid a call to their 'techno-yard' then laugh about it all...along the lines of CF as more of a "psycho-poof" than a "sweetie-pie".....hmmm...."psycho-poof and the jeffrey dahmers"...."could be a band" mark r had then remarked....toddy was then to think about a 'stage act'....and then there's helen browne as the voice of the 'libra ship' at essex univ - remember gill setting it all up?...oh and if you want a name for the 'drummer' that was to recently come up....well, that scottish male EFL teacher at the prague DTO had been able to twiddle a drumstick...something that he was to challenge heather kempson to learn, whilst in the staffroom....and that should be enough for now, should it not?.......go figure:

Dazzlenation: Archive (

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