Wednesday 11 October 2023

 ...and there's more, as there invariably is, the journey back from manningtree....seeing as she had to make up for lost time....the bus driver was to bomb down the long stretches of country roads before getting to that main roundabout, in the middle of those A point of fact, the bus ended up looking like it was chasing what appeared to be an italian white fiat 500, in front....which was to make some people, laugh - let us say, in certain why had they found that so amusing?

and last but not least....whilst at no. 6, my mobile was to go off - at 10.31 (unknown number)....i didn't bother to answer it....a message was then left....hmmm....much later on and back in clacton - i then listened to it....sounded like a prank....the caller claimed to be calling from CHP....gave his name as 'john bartletshire' and began to talk about the cleaning team along with the bins room....the line began to cut in and out....the man began to giggle convulsively, to somebody in the background....this continued for some time....all i could hear was giggling in the background - nobody bothering to continue the message....sounded like they were both high as kites....anyway, this thursday morning, i was to check my email, to find the email to CHP had been spliced by the following link:

and so i decided to chase it up, i mean to say - CHP uses 'mimecast' don't they?....and so it should be all right etc then find the following:

suffice to say i didn't bother with the following....looked like a scam:

anyway, the original email looked bona fide:

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