Monday 9 October 2023

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...something around mcdonald and a reference to durian fruit or was that dragon fruit....and "do you want a hand, with anything?" cafe cat dang....see previous post....go figure:,106.5918574,3a,37.5y,95.72h,89.87t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMqUSvOm6pb1GhVYipBBJKriWgZ6F2ZPcu0tZ8Q!2e10!3e11!!7i10240!8i5120!4m16!1m8!3m7!1s0x319ff9ae2818e6ad:0x684652a0a95914b4!2zNTEuNTIgxJDGsOG7nW5nIDE2LCBUVC4gQmEgVHJpLCBCYSBUcmksIELhur9uIFRyZSwgVmlldG5hbQ!3b1!8m2!3d10.046445!4d106.5901412!16s%2Fg%2F11vbtj57x5!3m6!1s0x319ff9ae2825b0ab:0xc777ddd39f042474!8m2!3d10.0464426!4d106.5902164!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11fyx78dk7?entry=ttu

alternatively, mcdonald had put in the following address.....'transvertical' anybody?

along with a bird's eye view of the whole lot:

somewhere over the rainbow?

and then it was a hop, skip and a jump to the following - dazzlenation....hmmm....something around antipodes/northern-western-constellations...with a sidelong glance at 'pandang' and then 'pandangle house' to finally get to SAE house:

and so to cut a long story short, i give you another version of 'the-head-explained', dazzlenation - lol...or something like that:

with a sidelong glance at 'co-tent-in':

The antipodes of the Antipodes Islands, considered by early European explorers to be antipodal to the United Kingdom, are the town of Barfleur on France's Cotentin Peninsula.

and then it's another hop, skip and jump from pitcairn islands as an antipodal country to the uk and finally....onto 'robin shackell'....go figure:

anyway, remember morgan and her terrorist/assassin passport number because robin is part of the ring:

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