Wednesday 18 October 2023

 ....and what page is marr on - dazzlenation?..."it had been his operation" replies BI online...oh i see - that 'crackhead' number.....hmmm....flagged to be a failure, let us say.....and what else?...well, having had a look at his recent submissions....i was reminded of a chat with pat 'n' boyfriend about how they envisaged etc etc so many years ago short, not a two-state-solution....what good would that do....when norwegian intelligence is playing a 'divide and conquer' scenario.....and yes, we're on that uber-war in the heavens, which continues...."star wars"....regarding that soviet sky program that been taken over by norwegian nazis, for want of a better description.....and so a big 'no' to more 'divide and conquer' short, palestine and israel have to be reunited.....the new country could then be given a suitable name....hmmm....first thoughts had been around a 'common ground'/common land....the historical context being along the lines of....everybody allowed to graze their animals upon the same ground...."freedom of speech"....and have meetings to decide etc etc where everybody's voice is heard...upon a level playing field....every abrahamic religion - with equal rights.....along with a traditional name...from the aramaic.....anyway, pat was to laugh about the following translation upon google....reminded her of mushrooms and tarragon...."my garden"....yes, that's exactly what she had said....anyway, not having known the middle-eastern context in order to grasp the full meaning of the following translation....pat 'n' boyfriend were to go no further....other than to say that somebody would have to design a new flag....all of which i was to agree with, at the could be so simple, couldn't it?....see previous post....go figure:

Common land - Wikipedia

(14) Andrew Marr (@AndrewMarr9) / X (

a rental geminder? remember:

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