...and what else, dazzlenation?...an update upon the following....first up, 'booja booja' chocolates had been the brainchild of 'nige'.....and so yes, we're talking mod factors, here - in a very alternate dimension - regarding his attempt to be a mathematician/magician and in relation to sky programs...."that'll do" - he had told his aides.....lol.....additionally, ingabot 'n' weale had programmed with 'george simenon' novels....oh and the prague rothschild had laughed "sim-eon" to then add "robots stealing"...i.e. the sim and the eon - the age of genetic human robots adding the brain impressions of their victims, to their chips - in order to pass as etc etc....anyway, linda's 'meths girls' crew were then programmed with a shelf of sim-eon/non books, at clacton library...."all factors" replies BI online....yes - as one of them had stated worriedly, the other day...."nobody's allowed to take more than two out (at a time)"....i.e. those upon the system, that are allowed to take them out, at all - let us say...."forbidden upon the networks".....and so guess what i've just gone and done?....more laughter...isn't it all so pathetic?....and all because the sick 'n' the stupid are having another 'go', in order to continue their paedo-cannibal cult of class A drug addicts - run by the worst 'braindead' slave-driving elite etc etc....and last but not least - the prague rothschild had coded in 'george sims' as something of a retort to 'georges simenon'....try reading 'the end of the web', for example....as it goes, eh?
Dazzlenation (tumblr.com)
Act of Passion – Georges Simenon (tr. Louise Varese) – Radhika's Reading Retreat (wordpress.com)

and what else?...well, i had given carlos access to that nordic database - having found out via the CIA lab, little italy, NY - how to etc etc....he then looked up everybody 'important' to himself.....to finally have a look at that whole inga/ingabot number...."an experimental number" replies BI online....more than that....inga had wanted my ability to do the maths, 'transferred' to her, in relation to etc etc....which, although not possible - wouldn't stop her trying etc etc....and as carlos was to tell me, would most certainly result in my death...."have you seen this?" etc etc...i nodded...join the dots, regarding the rest of it....because the robos have been activated again, to have another 'go'...the swiss 'wyss' contingent along with norwegian intelligence...it won't work, of course but it will result in my death - if they manage to etc etc...although ed's 'james'....."his new partner" replies BI online - yes, i got that in a second, the royal 'we', as used by ed - consistently, the other day etc etc - his young son never came back from interlaken - 2015, did he?..."too damaged"....anyway, james mark II from norwegian intelligence, appears to be a bit more sensible than the compulsive gamblers of bobby's mob...ergo - he was to recently tell ed "it won't work"...as in 'pull out' etc etc....not that this will deter any of bobby's mob (or archer's mob and the chapmans as well as morgan 'n' tallant etc etc) from continuing upon their course set for absolute disaster etc etc...which will result in etc etc..."their entire networks being dissolved"...and well, they wouldn't necessarily 'get' what that means, BI - would they?..."not just shot in the head"....more laughter...."the simian network"...oh i remember now....let me backtrack - remember that story that sylvia used to relate...."born with black hair all over"....yes, well that had been inga's attempt to cover up for..."her simian network" and nothing to do with myself, whatsoever, i might add....something that the prague rothschild was to joke about....."the royal network of retarded apes"....hence the simenon/simian pun...anyway, linda, along with mcgowan, SAS captain scottie and sonia fisher, amongst others - were to buy that rainbow 'reserved' towel from QD...isn't this all so crazy?...."the simian towel"....because it sheds black hair/bits....no matter how many times you wash it etc etc...anyway, a memory aid of sorts, upon the networks...go figure.
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