....and what's new this tuesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, you're on heaven only knows what and i'm looking at booja booja chocolates - available from holland & barrett....hmmm....all a bit 'deja vu' if only i could remember 'why' etc etc...apart from that - i was to do a quick 'tour' of QD to find linda's programming objects which had included a child's plastic cup - relating to something that she had no idea about but had decided to make it up, as she went along - anyway...lol...."as the masons were to find out" replies BI online....yes, a plastic cup that linda had pinched from a US intelligence office....a memory aid - relating to 'the glass bead game', let us say - in metaphorical terms....oh and she had also progammed with a massive 'rainbow' beach towel with 'RESERVED' in white ('noise') print across the middle of it...more laughter .....go figure:
Dazzlenation (tumblr.com)
Vegan chocolates by Booja-Booja | boojabooja
norfolk-based, apparently:
hmmm...'persian dowery' - now why am i relating that to sylvia's bedouin 'wedding dress'?
what about 'fine de champagne'?
anyway, rodway's first job had been as the manager of a holland & barrett unit, in that central b'ham shopping complex - close to moor street station....£10,000 a year.....hmmm.....the same sum as her MI5 job....but then they always say that, don't they?..."i only earn £10,000 a year" etc etc - whilst the perks of the jobs tend to be huge...regarding accommodation - petrol allowance etc etc...oh and the till assistant, this morning - gave me the old...you-know-what....put the palms of her hands out upon the counter - fingers outstretched...once she had seen what i was buying i.e. the booja booja christmas truffle number....remember how MI5 'percy' had done, that - laughing...the first time that he was to meet me again, after so many years....mr 'white noise', eh?.....the staff at penfold lodge were then to tell me "he used to work for MI5, you know"..."appears to have recognised you" and the unstated question: 'and so who are you, then?' which i didn't bother to answer....lol.....an old F.O. way of saying "cards on the table time - what are you doing here?" etc etc...anyway - whilst in holland & barrett, this morning - that pissed me off and so i did the same back to her i.e. you show me yours first...with a polite smile upon my face....anyway, that whole sham-pain/champagne number....go figure:

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