Tuesday 24 October 2023

 ......and what's new upon my youtube frontpage, dazzlenation?...time to bask in the autumn sunshine...lol....the colours of the leaves, the smell of wet wood and bonfires etc etc....go figure:

and let me see....a reminder of 'miri' moore upon blackheath, in front of the building where hanni used to have a flat - at the back....whereas moore and stephanie cropper, along with her sister and dad-in-the-marines, had a flat at the front, as far as i can remember.....anyway, moore had told the rest of marr's gang that if he ran fast enough he could fly....they laughed at him....he then suggested that they hit CF on the head, that would make him 'fly' etc etc....."i am a dragonfly" replies BI online....moore as a dragonfly?....hmmm....remember that personal friend of prince phillip's from the US marines...he used to program himself in as a dragonfly etc etc.....anyway, from the past to the present....because this morning, a couple of traffic wardens under moore's control - were to shelter under the awning of shoefayre....whilst one of linda's went to work, inside.....smelt of booze and was wearing worn-out biker boots....lol....anyway, this is all about opening and closing windows, let us say....with moore et al, trying to sneak in behind etc etc.....as it goes, eh?

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