Wednesday 11 October 2023

 .....and let me see....what about recent weather reports - dazzlenation?.....'johnny' in harlow, upon tuesday - for example....go figure:

Clacton-on-Sea - BBC Weather

Report - BBC Weather Watchers

Dazzlenation (

anyway, whilst still upon the 'closer to home', theme....quite a few odd things were to happen on wednesday....although, despite 'all of that'....i spent a very nice morning with oscar 'n' sylvia at no.6....she loved her new dressing gown (from bonmarche), she then asked for a bath and so we assisted her etc etc...oscar then weighed her - unfortunately she had lost another 5kg....followed up by cheese sandwiches and angel cake, for elevenses...very difficult to find what she likes to eat but one of her support ladies had hit upon cheese sandwiches and so she isn't just eating what she really likes i.e. bacon and eggs etc etc....and then she went back to bed...looked completely content....and so no problems, there...and so what had been so odd, then?...well, first up - it was the number 2, the bus driver (a new one) took the wrong turning right upon the weeley road, to end up outside of 'parish fields' leisure complex....she then had to back up and turn around whilst stating that she had no idea why she had done that - she had done the route, so many times etc etc....anyway, it turned out not to be her day because on the way back - she was to find that a certain country road was closed...we were on 'straight road' (that's what the sign said) at the time - and the righthand turn was closed (there was a sign for bradfield hall, upon the corner) appeared to be going on, further down....anyway, she radioed for help and was told to return to mistley heath and then take the normal no. 2 route....instead of the one that she had been following which was the no. 2A route and so she took a left down windmill road and proceeded to etc etc....hmmm....oh and i might add that whilst on this 'tour of the area', once again....more laughter....we were to stop outside of a house that mcgowan used to program has a massive flag in the front garden....looks a bit like essex constabulary....with a couple more st george flags upon the house....anyway, the bus driver waited there for some time...and then got out...she appeared to be waiting for somebody who then failed to turn up...she then the bus and off we went again....oh and there is a little bit more to add and my sixth sense was picking up on daldry again...yes, really - all rather 'deja vu', let us say....on the first bus trip - to manningtree....a couple of mums and their schoolkids were to get on the bus, early on....a schoolgirl named 'aurora' (sleeping beauty in fairytales) found a phone upon a backseat - her 'mum' then handed it in to the bus driver - who later on, stopped to make a phone call from it - to find out that somebody from mistley, had left it on the why was my sixth sense picking up on somebody having done that on purpose....something around if the bus got lost - then they would be able to pick up the signal from etc etc....go figure.

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