.....and what else, dazzlenation?....oh, i see...a golda meir reference - regarding what she had had to put up with, let us say....additionally, roll on the decades - we have heather kempson coming back as the 'ghost' of golda meir...those who had known kempson at a certain age, will see that etc etc...lol....in relation to giving the beit din of israel, a really hard 'talking to'.....in order to dissuade them from 'pregnant man's society' and all that it entails.....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure:
"He took us 40 years through the desert in order to bring us to the one spot in the Middle East that has no oil!"
...a country that has no oil....but it is the centrifugal force for so many of the abrahamic religions and should be treated as such....."all should have equal rights" replies BI online....and share them, happily....although when one looks at what happens in the 'church of the holy sepulchre' now and then...."a governmental force" needs to be around to...."sort out problems"....rather like the admirable jerusalem police, who used to do their best to ensure that everything was 'fair' - regarding sorting out disputes....and in relation to the CCTV open, to everybody involved - circa 1996-7....who can 'argue the toss', let us say...something that the arab muslims were only too happy about....seeing as certain disputes - upon the streets of the old city of jersualem, had surrounded warring families of their own, which could then be ended - amicably....and what else?...well, the following - "He took us 40 years through the desert in order to bring us to the one spot in the Middle East that has no oil!"...until the saudis organised a certain etc etc regarding that small oil field between the mount of olives and etc etc....but hey, time to 'forget that one', eh?....go figure.
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