.....and what's new this saturday morning, dazzlenation?...well, remember weale programmed as the 'appallin' by the eldest taschmann....nota bene - clacton doesn't have a blue flag beach rating, anymore....i was to check out the beach, to the left of the pier, yesterday - to find those telltale brown stain watermarks etc etc....even though eco-warriors were at work, cleaning up the 'garbage' that tourists had left, further down etc etc....go figure:
Beaches in the East awarded Blue Flags for excellence - BBC News
...are we back to 'crappy' et al, with 'this one'?
and so what's the point, you might ask:
ingabot had singled out 'mimi cottage' for some reason - remember sanderson, her godmother?...hmmm...let me guess...something around that yellow football....'vacant' wendyhouse and 'little dogs'....oh and for that matter....remember webb's wife abigail telling sylvia "they're all dead" as in a 'lost patience' matter-of-fact sort of way....not to mention oscar's doctor friend at that memorial service "that's not your son" and so what is really going on, here - dazzlenation?....see previous notes regarding daldry's 'who's afraid of virginia woolf' still running....with no further info, so far:
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