Wednesday, 19 August 2020

...and what's new this thursday morning, dazzlenation?...a film that gill/red jester had wanted to remember...featuring 'the invisible man' but not as you might think....something to do with hampstead heath programming?...and what else...well, we've got a younger-lookalike-on-the-swings number....LOL...and then these two, on a bench....guess which one is supposed to be 'god'....a boris 'n' cameron number?....anyway, the whole set-up reminds me so much of caitlyn 'n' mcdonald - see previous notes...additionally, the 'heroine' was to immediately remind me of susan sinclair/'goscia'/sara conkey/helen candy.....a multipurpose number?...and the same goes for 'god' let us say....oh and blogger has decided to make it very difficult indeed to upload any more pics and so i'll just have to make 'do' with the following....go figure:

on second thoughts...I could add 'biden' as well as 'rickson' to that 'god number, eh - McDonald 'n' cameron?

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