Sunday 30 August 2020

and so one has to ask, dazzlenation...what has Cherie blair been up to, recently - then?...let me see...'the rock pile' anybody?

she's got that odd sort of eye colour, where you think...'I thought she was brown-eyed'...on the other hand...etc etc...anyway, Cameron had done a very good job of imitating her hair/make-up etc etc...and yes, gill had been right to etc etc because she has a far more rounded head - rather than gill's long-face etc etc...oh and another odd one, according to dibbens - Cameron's dad had been a high court judge in Scotland...."where he gets it from" somebody was to jest, regarding the whole 'dressing up' number...and so the only thing that bothers me, now - about that whole clue trail is...why the Cherie blair/Hollywood starlet number?...I'm being silly, aren't I...can't see for looking....gill et al must have viewed the where Cherie would end up....producing movies...go figure:

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