Friday 28 August 2020

...let's have a look at the letters, now...and yes, I was to receive two - from a certain 'chris thewlis' and another from 'ibna'...see previous post...anyway, instead of all of this prevarication...why can't NPOWER just mend their ruddy online webpage form and make it work, instead of all of the following palaver?...I ask you...go figure:

what are they talking about...'as agreed'...not agreed by me...I suppose that 'ibna' must be referring to 'chris thewlis'....and what do they mean by 'expectations' that have not been met...assuming that they know what my reaction will be before they have even bothered to get back to me...does that make any sense at all?

another radio file for today, marines...go figure:

oh and I have decided that I would like to see if we can catch a 'paper tiger' or two, dazzlenation....LOL...because really, we have to bring them out into the open and deal with them - don't we?...go figure:

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