Sunday 30 August 2020

...and what else, dazzlenation?...well, I suppose that we need to recap....LOL...i.e. try and draw the whole clump, together....and so something around CF and his 'gay-bri-el' number, at john's apocalypse...."luciferian cult" replies BI online...and another attempt to 'jump' me and reprogram me as a sodding etc etc...and well - really, I've simply had enough of this Zionist 'idiot children' wagon..."planning Armageddon"...go figure:

oh and if you'd like an extended metaphor for the whole lot, dazzlenation...look no further than what had happened at chris crickmay's 'end of year' dartington art department party...remember Cameron dressed as a Hollywood starlet?...trying to make off with a large brie cheese, under his taffeta ballgown - clasped to his thigh, under his 'garter'...the family dog then went for him, as he walked towards the the very same moment, dibbens was to open the frontdoor...nearly squashing Cameron behind it...."all right chap - can't let the dog out" he was to say, or something along those lines - to then close the which time, the dog was growling and biting at Cameron....which was the point at which those in the corridor and upon the stairs, were to see what it was after, under Cameron's etc etc....go figure.

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