Saturday 29 August 2020

and what's new this Saturday evening, dazzlenation?...well, I decided to check out david icke's twitter site...followed up by what I could find as a 'response' let us say, upon gill's twitter site...a complicated little metaphor that could be condensed into 'the shit is flying'....LOL...for my own part...I think it wise to wear a mask in relation to a deadly strain of pneumonia but do not think that people should be prosecuted if they do not want to do so...secondly, mr icke is right, of course - in relation to 'behavioural insights teams' and the like...they need to be told where to get off...idiot children so-called social scientists, working upon 'mass control' projects...and so on the whole, even though I would never join such a protest for fear of etc etc...I can relate to it...regarding the possibility of enforced 'injections' etc etc...whilst remembering that icke had been 'one of rimingtons' - as no doubt, gill can also relation to icke writing 'gulag' lists etc etc...oh and look, icke has his own 'carrie' to support him...rally the crowd etc etc...what a showman...go figure: short, a hellishly funny video of two squirrels and 'the shit is flying'...of course, it has to be faked but that doesn't detract from the 'belly laugh' effect that it has....and if one were to unpack the metaphor a little more...well - who knows, eh?

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