Friday, 2 December 2016

....and what was to happen this morning...lisa's son on the tannoy....pc/marine green, that is...asking me to have a look in the barber shop window upon station more information...I had a then meet the owner of the shop - who was to hold up a stone angel, behind the display window for me to view after she had seen me take an interest in that shop display....

a stone angel....shades of lisa smith, perhaps? "stone-hearted lisa" replies MI5 ONLINE...

anyway, I then walked inside....and the owner then showed me her display....she was really proud of it (very tasteful and a bit 'odd' for christmas - "the artistic touch")....and she was also to mention another display, that she had done...with Narnia as the theme - she then told me that she had got divorced, afterwards....I queried "but the two didn't figure - together?"....she shook her head...

....let me scan for more info....lisa had punished her...there is CCTV still available of that 'encounter' with lisa.....and presumably her son 'pc/marine green' had been feeling 'guilty-on-behalf-of-his-mother'?....and what can I say but that you don't need to feel guilty...just expose her for 'everything' and throw that 'horrible sack of guilt' back onto her shoulders...."I understood her - what she had done and why" but that doesn't mean to say that you were implicitly guilty of that act, by association - just because you understand her emotions and motivation....breaking up a marriage through pure that really something that you would do - or just 'think about it' in a flash of anger?...and then think the better of it, once you had cooled down....because we are all 'like' our parents and in so many ways - it is simply best to harp on about their best points (within internal dialogue) and to minimalise their worst ones ('I'm not like them in that way' etc etc)....within the way in which we think and conduct our lives - as a result of looking at our parents and figuring "I'm just like him/her" etc....go figure...."get on top of it - rationalise the whole thing" replies MI5 ONLINE....'rationalise' isn't the word that I am looking for....hmmm....'be reasonable' -regarding yourself and your mother....whilst discarding any really negative patterns...."rise above it"....."be better than her".

anyway, let me continue....lisa had told the owner "you disobeyed my order and then you....and so you shall pay for it...." - oh and in terms of 'context'....lisa had just 'broken up' with McDonald (remember that 'marriage' in the US - with the two adopted children?)....

....let me see....lisa had been projecting 'misery' onto somebody else, in relation to a specific context..."the love of your life"....because she was feeling miserable, herself "the whole world should feel like that" - and so she was to take it out on somebody else who was with 'the love of her life' - to then forcibly separate them - make them divorce...and that is the keynote here, isn't it?...

what else?....and that is how dangerous the 'prague Rothschild team angels' could be...."we're talking about lisa here - not about all of the rest of us" replies certain members of MI5 ONLINE...still left 'on the team'...toby, jon and Sylvia....go figure.

so what had lisa told her husband...that had made him agree to a divorce?...oh I see - this is as sick as it gets...and what lisa was 'really into' sexually....what can I say but 'planet UR-ANUS'?...along with quite a few 'alien encounters' upon planet Uranus....go figure. All lies of course...but her husband couldn't talk about it, afterwards...naturally not - lisa had stun-gunned him into silence...all he could remember was 'the horror, the horror' and in this instance...not 'MR KURTZ' but lisa smith....go figure.

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