Wednesday 28 December 2016

......what else? let me see...'block of wood' had 'somebody'.... that she was to call her 'sister' at the prague british council 'main residence' in prague...upon narodni ul. circa 1994-6...and her name had been 'tess'...
tess - who was to tell everybody that she was the editor of the british council's 'british studies' publication....although she hadn't been...nick wadham-smith had been...go figure...."another block of wood" replies MI5 ONLINE....well, i beg to differ....not quite the same - let's differentiate...ha ha ha...tess used to remind me of ingabot...and in so many ways....go figure.
...what else? cameron and his templars might remember a whole 'under japanese intelligence' number...i.e. forming a certain 'council' to relation to radio witches and 'warts'....yes, a real 'harry potter number' and not a pisstake ha ha ha...but anyway, afterwards...they had decided upon a certain word as a memory device 'anagram' and i will not disclose why they were to make-up that particular word, as a memory aid...ha ha ha...go figure:
...from which you can get....WITH PAR/WITH RAP/WITH ARP/WIT HARP/HARP WIT/WARP PIT/PITH WAR...."and that concludes, everything" cameron was to say 'at the time' many years ago, now.

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