Thursday 29 December 2016,-0.1555424,3a,75y,190.07h,80.58t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-shCC8eCr2-8%2FU_y3sN4LFSI%2FAAAAAAAADyo%2FYv21AAZQC3gahgGKvkgUtvwzIbzeDxyFACJkC!2e4!3e11!!7i5632!8i2816!6m1!1e1

oh and this location relates to david icke....who had also turned up in Harwich, to see petrol nell...he was to give her some order to "keep going"...and yes both of them had been working for scarlett but upon 'different sides'....see previous notes upon icke being the programmed 'opposition' to the ill cult....

"but all on the same side" replies MI5 ONLINE...yes, icke was to tell petrol nell to keep up the good work...go figure...and he had been driving a very posh car, at the time - that morning in Harwich - close to eagle house - a parallel street...although I do not know whether or not it was his car...a sort of old-fashioned a lilac colour...a bit like the following but not...

anyway, icke was to meet the SAM in the following location...."nobody must know" etc etc...

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