Wednesday, 24 February 2016

look at that beam...

...that camera picks up all sorts of stuff...doesn't it?

and so tell me...why do they 'do that' in the grey man's flat now and then? surely it is a fire hazard and therefore illegal?
anyway, talking about beams...normally unseen currents of energy....last night I was to remember meeting CF on totnes high street, one evening...I had previously been in depp's flat....somewhere that CF didn't know about...but he was close enough....hanging around...trying to track and trace me...
anyway, I appeared on the street....and CF then found me....he was in a terrible state...and he was projecting 'green'....
you see....whilst in depp's flat I had picked up that frequency as a projection...'little green man' and it was the same  sort of thing....later on, upon the street - almost as if he were emitting a greenish glow, in the dark....
anyway, apparently the worst of all possible things had happened...."jade laing's dead!...I saw her on the slab!" he told me...I laughed and replied that certainly wasn't the worst thing that I could imagine....he told me to be serious....but I had no idea of what was going on and so told him that we would go back to H then pick up Tomlinson 'in the garden'....Tomlinson was projecting what I shall call 'black line energy'....a sort of 'pitch black' aura....CF was scared again....he appeared to be picking up Tomlinson 'in my mind'...."I thought you were somebody else (for a second)"....I replied "oh gill, again is it? playing around"....CF told me that it wasn't gill...i then tracked and traced Tomlinson in the garden...."he's got in over the garden wall again, hasn't he?" etc etc...
...that 'blackline' frequency...I wonder now...that had also scared MCDONALD in shanghai....see previous notes upon that FREAKING NEWS short, McDonald had felt as if he were 'in the desert'...looking for then find that 'black rattlesnake telephone'....myself, I him rimington's 'wake-up' code.....
oh and there's more...let me return to H house for a second...after tracking and tracing Tomlinson in the garden...I suggested to CF that we put a mousetrap into that garden..."y'know...a really big one"... I was visualizing the black metal coils of a really big mousetrap, in my mind....a bit like barbed wire...and a certain conflation with 'rattlesnake telephone'?...who knows....
anyway, toddy used to call my baby alter the 'snake with the rattle...the rattlesnake'....
on the other hand, MCDONALD might have been frightened of somebody else 'in my mind' on that blackline you see how it goes? we can all scare each other, can't we? various ways...anyway, normally I blame gill and normally I'm right....see previous notes upon 'bonding' at a very early ein a diving bell 'at the bottom of a swiss lake' etc etc...but upon the other hand...well, go figure....
with a hint of capaldi 'in the mix'? I was to detect....this is all about networks, isn't it?...see previous notes: 
THE MOUSETRAP and theatre....let me see.....Stephen daldry and david hare...were to put on the play VICTOR at the royal court....'victor'...daldry had somewhat identified with the part, hadn't he?...I would guess that scarlett had been the original 'inspiration' though....

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