i went for a walk, this morning...to spot scarlett's network "when i'm cleaning windows"...a council contracted firm?...down pier avenue....anyway, i then went for a walk on the beach...to return to town via BEACH ROAD...to be stopped 'for a chat' by a fiske court resident about the weather and then about the front garden of the building (and what was 'in bloom' "it'll soon be spring and the roses are already budding")...he was then to point out a bush 'in flower'...in the next garden on, from FISKE COURT...."do you have a garden? this is a communal one, you know...we have another one out the back where you can sit out..."
so what was it about that bush which was 'in flower'? scarlett had wanted to know the name of it...to do 'something' with it later on....
anyway, i was to ask the resident of fiske court...if he knew the name of that bush 'in flower'...he didn't....i offered "it looks a bit like a calla lily..." - i then thought about saying "crossed with a begonia' but decided not to bother....
...however, I can now remember the following...having looked at my photos.....petrol nell was to say to scarlett "we can wire it up for you"....."we can use a green box for human organs - anything else you want"...."nobody will touch it (the green box)" she assured him....go figure:
what else? i was to visit sainsbury's and then as i was walking back to belle court....past magnet house...a mason was to whistle at me...close-up...let me explain....he was to walk up close to me, before he began to whistle - and he then whistled, almost into my face...how irritating...i really, really hate that...i decided to do that 'gesture'...you know the one...'marked for deletion'....we both then simultaneously said "goodbye!"...i had a smile upon my face, at the time....the whole thing then made me laugh..."what sort of an idiot would stop me at this point...(is that what you were thinking?)" replies MI5 ONLINE...not necessarily an idiot...just 'more of a challenge' really - to find out what he was really all about, by scanning....anyway, i walked on a bit further...to then look around...to see that man doing, precisely the same thing as myself - turning around and grinning...and i wonder now, what had that been all about?
oh i 'get' it now....firstly - he had been one of scarlett's programmed police dogs.....an 'alsatian dog alter'....
...and i need to explain, a bit more about what had happened earlier on this morning:
.....i had had a look at that PIE site this morning, to then get one of scarlett's ill cult police divisions 'tracking and tracing' me looking at that site...."a frame-up involved"....exactly that....have a look at the newspaper headlines this morning...to see how many papers are running stories about BBC paedophiles and corrupt police officers who have been prosecuted in relation to that manchester paedophile ring case....
anyway, i was to 'see' what was going on....in my mind's eye, whilst having a look at that PIE twitter site...a woman PC had picked up gill's laptop....in relation to that PIE twitter website....her computer (in a cctv screen room) then told her that she was not allowed to take a record or to put me down upon her list....no security clearance...she decided to do so anyway....because she had been told by her 'ill cult boss' to do so (against all regulations), to put everybody who visited that site, down on her list and for whatever reason...her 'ill cult boss' was also a 'bent copper', i might add - and he had been in charge of that CID team, at a certain point in time....her 'ill cult boss' had run a certain program....called 'reduplication'....i.e. just mirror whatever the rebel group against the ill cult do....and so when i said "goodbye" to that 'bent copper network' mason, whilst walking past magnet house...he was to almost immediately reply 'the same thing'...but not with that gesture....he was unable to copy that, for some reason...go figure...a total robot on a 'dodgem car' merry-go-round....programmed to 'mirror'...go figure...
oh and i might add that the policewoman's real boss....well she was to contact him, that morning...to ask him what she should do....in relation to having had a look at my blog....and yes she had had immediate access to 'that one'...the CIA had been 'happy' for this particular CCTV police division to look at my blog...as in 'the spreading of information' which might help the UK police 'at large' and not just those within a small minority 'within the police' who 'know what it's all about' etc etc.....
anyway, her real boss and not her 'ill cult boss'...was to tell her to abide by the rules but to also make a copy of my blog url...and put it 'under his name' and why?....basically, so that it didn't look like they were treating me like a criminal....which they would have done, otherwise....i.e. put me onto their 'paedophile suspect list'....which scarlett had been hoping would be the case, go figure....you see, he had set up the whole thing, today....anybody researching PIE who ended up on that twitter site...was supposed to be put onto a 'police surveillance list' - to be hounded and later on prosecuted....."frame-ups" replies MI5 ONLINE....scarlett had protected that site, with his slaves within the police...'in that way'...go figure.
oh and there's more...once upon 'one of scarlett's police lists'....well, tot it up...scarlett had similar scams, going on - and throughout the UK police force...i.e. if you ended up on quite a few of his 'lists' and through no fault of your own i.e. you are not a paedophile/criminal etc etc "but visited the wrong websites and for whatever reasons"....e.g. something as innocuous as an 'I like eating pies' twitter url....well, go figure...."damned before you open your mouth, in interview" replies MI5 ONLINE...."because the computer says that you have been under surveillance and on so many accounts"....
bobby's mob as run by scarlett...and a tie-up to that stupid 'calla lily' type of bloom, in the garden next to fiske court....
....an odd idea...perhaps this had been a satanic gardener's day? see previous notes....and you had to guess the name of that bush....oh i remember now...scarlett was to ask petrol nell what the name of it was...she was to say "it looks like..." but she didn't know..."i'll look it up"...
"a test?" replies MI5 ONLINE....yes, something like that....do you have any 'basil the gardeners' upon your books? you could try investigating that mason who had whistled at me, for a start off...i bet he knows....go figure as to what this is all 'tied up' with....
"george bush? he's a real calla lily isn't he?"
what do you mean by that? oh i see...the fiske court resident was to mention the following twice...that it looked artificial....'not real'.....he meant a plastic replicant of the real thing....
the reduplication...and the replicants.....i wonder now....is this all about doubles/clones...and DNA?
"DNA 3D printing"
"you can print off a mask"...oh i remember now...see previous notes and post, upon 'that one'.
so the real 'question' which had 'informed' the theme of today i.e. 'replicants/reduplication/doubles/DNA clones/masks....had been posed by that fiske court resident...is that it?
"he had put it as simply as possible"....and what had he put simply?...can you tell the difference between 'one of those' and the real thing?
...now that is a very good question...in relation to my own family...and i am sure that the family who had been victims of 'sue the care-manager' at acorn villages ltd....might have had more than a few problems too, in relation to 'mind control' and accepting 'her/him' as their new 'mother' see previous notes....you see, 'sue' had replaced their real mother "after a sizeable amount of surgery" replies MI5 ONLINE....see previous notes.
....the evil that the ill cult can do...and why they do it?...in the words of that israeli paramilitary technocrat "because i can!"...and that is why, it all has to end...now.
this morning... i was reminded of the 'overview'...which mark jacks and his crew, at the handsworth centre, in birmingham, had all had....and in the early 90s, mark you....and it ran along the lines of 'dabydeen is like tomlinson - a sabbatean joo' (tomlinson had been brought up, within the traditions of islam and judaism but within a demonic cult - in turkey).....a demonic cult that is a mixture of both islam and judaism....it is run by the royal arch freemasons and it has that demonic islamic signalling sytem - based upon the islamic 'three men miming in the marketplace'....."i am a poor boy possessed by the devil - please bugger me, mafia boss because i am shameful" etc etc - which is what it basically amounts to if you translate the whole thing, correctly - "an international paedophile cult at work and highly powerful" replies BI ONLINE).....a demonic signalling system that used to be used for smuggling upon the russian/china silk route but is now used 'everywhere'....all mkultra slaves 'understand' it/have been taught it...and internationally...go figure.
...anway, at the handsworth centre....the idea was, that in order to keep safe...they had to keep in with dabydeen but on the other hand...'he is high up in MI6 and you have leverage - because he needs validation from the black community, to continue (in that position of power)....' - go figure....the 'yardies' were so fast, to pick up on the whole lot...as they would be, eh?
dabydeen had been jade laing's arch-protector....defending her against any 'criticism'...."punitively punishing anybody who dared to raise a complaint against her" upon the grounds of RACISM....that sephardic russian criminal's daughter...go figure...."the robot doll"...."run by the mossad"...."the soulless".....and most importantly of all...her father....as in 'that man', used to be the chief sephardic rabbi in jersualem (until murdered in his bath, by the rebel group - all of whom were jooish/jewish as far as i know....and yes, they all were, in point of fact - an internal 'coup' you might say - although if one were pedantic - about details - a couple of 'converts' whose mothers had been jewish/jooish - a mixture of sephardim and ashkenazim, let us say within that group)...anyway, go figure - as to how far this 'rabbithole' goes.....
Thursday, 25 February 2016
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