Monday 2 May 2016

what else? well having remembered to buy the 'rabbit boxes' from THE WORKS...I was to remember little colin saying "dat's me" in relation to the illustration of peter rabbit upon the lid....I had figured beforehand that his eyes were then be corrected...."DAT'S ME"....the brown-eyed peter rabbit....anyway, I was then to remember rimington using the mind control coded LIPPITY LIPPITY HOP! upon CF, quite a bit....

...and there's more....prince harry used to call me 'flopsy bunny' now and then...and I suppose that it is his day, today...prince harry and his rabbits?

....peter rabbit and the red handkerchief...go 'in the news':

and flopsy?

who's that supposed to be? see below:

let me many of my generation were to identify with 'bunnies'....courtesy of Beatrice potter books...and now? well the BBC has breathed new life into 'the whole thing'...and so yet another generation will be inspired to steal lettuces from mr Macgregor's far are we going to extend this metaphor then? mark r was to say that the 'green' stood for 'greenbacks' as in dollars...go figure...

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