Tuesday 24 May 2016

...and this morning, i can remember the whole lot...including having thought about putting my finger into my ear and twisting it, yesterday...after having tapped my temple...go figure as to why that might have been...

you see, i don't like being used and abused by the ill...as a skilled remote-viewer...whilst they piss around - or should i say 'constellate' around me?...trying to get me to work for them, for free...whilst i should be charging by the hour...

anyway, so what is 'louann' all about? she is another rowling...in short, a colleague of hers...her handler at the harvard medical center...had written her first book...which had appeared 'as if by magic'....and she was only to happy to pass it off as her own...to then realise that she couldn't 'take the stick'...if you see what i mean...

...because when you have intelligent pisstakers upon your back...those like PKW/robert webb...along with martin gill...and yes i can remember now...the men were far more interested in louann's forays into the acting profession, as an author....than most women, had time for....and well, when you have 'jokers' like that, upon your back...well, they're not going to give you an easy time, are they?

what else? well louann's handler was to send her over to the UK...to have a chat with daldry...daldry used to be the first rowling's handler...see previous notes upon 'all of that' along the lines of :

'(rowling's) ill cult dream is to be an author of adult fiction but she's far too stupid - we'd never manage to pass her off as that...let's wait until a suitable children's novel comes up'...

is daldry the handler of the latest rowling 'substitute'? i have no idea...all i know is that mitchell & webb were put in charge of her stage/media antics...and twitter site...

anyway, what had daldry done, in relation to that 'chat' with louann? well firstly louann had been sent over to find out where 'they' had been chipped....daldry was then to devise the following:

"we'll put in a giant freight container under her flat window and then threaten her upon the subliminal tannoy system...along the lines of..."

"....and if she doesn't tell us where the chip is - we'll leave that container there until she does...."

...and what were the threats...?....well, you can guess - can't you? all i can do is to out the ill for their evil, their stupidity, their greed - and most of all their desire to continue the ill cult - in relation to the continued use and abuse of those like myself...and so all i can do is to expose them for the lot and then poke fun at them...as per usual....go figure.

an important point.....the ill cult used to call female slaves 'ewes' upon the MI5 russian course, in 1980...and they would invariably point out EW containers/skips etc..."that's EW/YOU" etc....now there used to be a law around skips....a UK law which went as follows...you can take anything you like, out of a skip but you cannot put anything into it or you could be fined because only the person who paid for the skip - is allowed to put anything into it'...now conflate that skip with a slave...you can steal anything you want from it...but you are not allowed to reprogramme it/put thoughts into its head etc etc...go figure...

anyway, that particular UK law might have changed by now...i have no idea...i was to first learn of it from sally morgan at dartington...along the lines of her advising students..who were used to scavenging in skips for 'found objects' to then use in their sculptures/installations/performances etc etc...that they could take things out but that they might get fined if they were to put anything in...apparently one of sally's friends had been threatened with a fine for tossing a crisp packet into a skip, in london...go figure...what else? well belle court residents already appear to have been tempted to do 'just that'...because there is already a bit of rubbish at the bottom of that massive freight container...go figure.

what else? well this morning, i was having a look at the latest 'projection' from the grey man's flat, through my binoculars...to then see a woman run to her car....a silver 'holliday' type of car, parked upon wellesley road, this morning... at just after 7am...the car was parked just up the road from that school-on-the-corner...anyway, the woman was to remind me very much of louann....but i couldn't be sure - seeing as my binoculars aren't that good....anyway, she got in and drove away...up rosemary road west and towards the town centre...go figure.

...what else?...naturally the above was to make me rather annoyed...i then decided to pisstake it all.....in order to regain my good humour...the ill are so sick and so sad...so desperate to 'live their ill cult dream' whilst maintaining all of those lies...the lies that are necessary in order to let them 'live the dream'...go figure...

hmmm...firstly i was to think about an article that i had skimmed through upon yahoomail yesterday......all about angelina jolie becoming an 'honorary professor' at the LSE in london...it didn't seem to be a 'bad thing'...obviously she knows a lot about human rights...women's rights etc etc - as an 'ambassador'...and would therefore be very useful in terms of hands-on...practical knowledge about international law..."the foreign office" replies MI5 ONLINE...concerning a very broad area/subject/spectrum...

i then thought about j k rowling...and the templars....see previous notes upon the templars pisstaking rowling...and with every new novel that they publish...making it more and more obvious that no 'one author' could have been responsible for all of those novels...children's novels and adult novels, combined....

...i then decide to act as her 'press' correspondent...i would announce to the world that rowling has just become an honorary professor in theoretic quantum physics applied to engineering within the aerodynamics field....at a top UK university...let me see - manchester.

"and her latest book will be an encyclopadia of..."

"oh and apparently, upon their first meeting - louann and joanne didn't get on.....louann has just started work upon her first 'under 5s' children's book"...etc etc.

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