Friday 9 October 2015


8.10am Friday morning 9/10/2015....this must be a GAF day, as far as I know...little colin's network was to ask if it was okay if he were to turn up as the plumber...I was to retort that this was not a porn movie....and I am not many threats and stupid comments off so many dull people...that whole 'dead flies on sticky paper' horror....

...and in relation to gill? well see previous notes upon that scorpion wanting a ride to safety across the river upon the back of a turtle i.e. only if you have strapped down his 'stinger' securely....but even then - even if he is in more danger of stinging himself than you...the 'impulse is there' sting..."but I want to sting but I want to, I will probably end up harming myself and not her...but I want to sting..." etc you see how it goes?

anyway I would guess that the above will be true in relation to T BROWN and that plumber...i.e. they want to sting but they do not dare...'not quite'...and so they will simply be as difficult as possible i.e. the plumber either won't turn up or he will turn up at the latest time possible...that sort of thing...we shall see.....

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