....and what else, dazzlenation?...ah, that reminds me....the 'green goddess' starbucks sign has gone up just beyond morrison's....in front of that new shopping complex.....the first sign up....and it's big 'n' bold.....tells me that there are probably quite a few americans around, these parts - nowadays....or those like shana who used to say that it was the only place where she could get a decent cup of coffee, in china etc etc....go figure:
What are these things on the side of Tesco supermarkets? : tesco (reddit.com)
Green Goddess Avocado Salad: Starbucks Coffee Company
along with as viz had once put it "the fishfingers of suspicion" - regarding paedophiles at the BBC etc etc...talking 'bout my generation ('the who') and yes, i can remember viewing stenson being asked to try and work out what the whole thing was about:
oh and where did sunak land, in clacton?..one assumes the airfield but you never know - lol:
oh i remember now....younger eventually came up with something like the following explanation but nobody really believed a word that he was saying...suspicious minds, eh?...and given past experience etc etc....who could blame them..."he was hesitant" replies BI online...yes, looked like he was making it up on the spot etc etc:
and it's called a 'little' is it?...how telling:
anyway, younger had then told moore to work upon a more 'authentic' etc etc....and so one wonders if 'malkav the madman' etc etc....lol....hmmmm....and if i wasn't going the 'conspiracy' way of etc etc....then i'd say that firstly my sixth sense is picking up on 'hammer and anvil'....a military strategy - for example - in the micro - how younger 'n' moore operate:
...and in terms of function - the addition appears to be propping up the roof....and so perhaps something around subsidence....remember how tescos had planned to build a large new complex in the countryside - so many years ago now....for a large part of the area to then cave in...to create a massive sinkhole - luckily before they had begun to build....mines underneath?...no explanation given, at the time for what appeared to be a 'natural disaster' ....go figure:
off on a tangent, let's have a look at what's been going on in clacton...sinkhole at thai vintage restaurant, anybody?
oh and then there's 'forks township' to conjure with...and now my sixth sense is picking up on 'robbie' and his etc etc....lol....go figure:
the cat's head, anybody?
anyway, are we still on 'crappy' and EF manager, here?..."aim high" - shoot above the target etc etc....lol....go figure:
along with a bank that had looked more like a church, at first glance....hmmm....best ask 'robbie' and his 'racist robot carer' about that:
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