Friday 22 December 2023

 ...oh and this is something around williams 'n' rodway....williams had decided to do 'something' with 'it's a wonderful christmas', anybody? dear - this appears to have been about testing a new chip - with ben graham and his brother 'tom' in antlers, so to speak....and in relation to 'computed tomology' rather than 'computer tomography'....additionally, after seeing tom's scan - williams was to tell rodway "we'll call it the difference between groups"...tom then bolted out the door....later on, gill was to attempt an explanation...."that would have interfered with it" and yes, he'd been talking about radio waves etc etc....go figure:

It's a Wonderful Life: How a festive classic helps a Glasgow cinema thrive - BBC News

Is the Christmas spirit all in the brain? - BBC Bitesize

oh and a little bird tells me etc etc:

anyway, rodway 'n' williams had effectively coined a new word 'tomology' to describe the 'science' let us say....of interference...regarding the microchipped hoards - tomology, anybody?

oh and 'this one' is reminding me of the japanese mathematician upon my course at warwick....who hadn't visualised her work in the surprise of her physicist colleague etc etc....what in fact, she had done - in order to get so far...had been a 'layered effect' regarding the 'axes' and the different parts of a given equation etc that she could then more easily measure and contain etc etc.....except that trying to keep all of that in your head, at once....used to prove, too difficult - most of the time.....anyway, i can remember saying to emet....that it was a bit like a 'magic lantern' effect - watching her layer on etc etc...he then pointed out the detailed measurements - recorded etc etc and so arguably she had been doing it the better way, if you could do it accurately, with enough practice etc etc.....go figure:

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