Wednesday 13 December 2023

 ....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...well another of those horribly mad emails....i wonder if lynne was to receive the same etc etc....looks like it has been forwarded more than once....anyway, there is a phone number attached, let us say....and that is because somebody rang my mobile at 08.48 from +44 7893986595 using a 'purple icon'.....naturally, i didn't answer.....anyway, i know what this is in connection with....remember gill, the brooklyn students, donna 'n' tomlinson - all using the radio room at essex....scarlett's radio research project etc etc....well, as it turns out....'crappy' had ended up at a medical facility in cambridge, let us say...and so had lisa, after her 'fall on her face' off of a motorbike..."eyes without a face" replies BI online....and she had accused kate block-of-wood of being that etc etc...leaving that aside for the moment....this is all about 'crappy' contacting me, at that point in time....a rather desperate albeit threatening message....along with 'libby bigart' furious with me....telling sylvia that i must have 'cursed' him etc etc...and yet, upon receiving a 'get well' card from gill et al....remember the 'cucumber mob' at essex....she was mollified....however, the medics weren't..."they know" etc etc...."the game was up" replies BI online...yes, gill had carefully chosen a 'get-well' card with a robin perched upon a spade, stuck in the mud...and then all of the gang had signed it....a  love 'n' kisses affair...and there's more - the records had all been stored - carefully 'gaius', cambridge by those 'in the know'....and yes, this is all about 'the maths' again....along with a bit more - relating to economics....'sing a song of sixpence' etc etc....remember me buying mrs stredwick a bunch of daffodils from lewisham market - late 60s....well, nowadays that  would cost you a £ if you relate that to the property market in london...for example how much certain houses are going for in blackheath/ many bunches of daffs as an alternative currency or 'standard' regarding the cost-of-living....would it take to have bought a house there in the late 60s compared with today? on a postcard with reference to robert cipolla supposedly gaining an A level in economics, at 16 years old etc etc...oh and why not try doing it in base 13....more laughter it goes, eh?.......go figure:

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ra-vens, anybody?

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