Saturday 30 December 2023

 ...and what's new this saturday morning, dazzlenation?...well, ed had remarked "have you seen this?!" to armstrong.....i.e. argento's 'opera'...anyway, the italians had wanted a reminder of firstly baby alters and then foetuses - that can look a bit like 'lizards' - regarding the final scene.....and what else?.....well, the murderer in that movie - has a certain resonance with a "mr potts - he's potty!" as far as fairbrother aka MI6 moore (in later life), formerly at langley seniors, had known....'mr potty' had dressed like a 'dr who' taschmann type, at the time - a bit 'tom baker' in terms of the hair (and gingery beard)....although i knew better, as no doubt, whalley had also done.....because she had cried at the news that 'mr potts' had died in a car crash...and in his dirty, white mini, supplied to her by 'fairbrother', in the school foyer....hmmm....i was to doubt the news....whalley was furious with me for not being upset..."fake deaths and funerals" replies BI online....and then a 'marc bolan' song comes up....apparently he had died in a 'mini' crash, with his black wife beside him (the lennon desk had been unsympathetic, to say the least - at the time)....or that is what we were then young teenagers.....'get it on, bang the gong, get it on' etc etc...."an all or nothing sort of guy" as toddy had once put it - rather like himself....not 'self-conscious' like bowie etc etc....and then ainsley comes up, in relation to his own partner (regarding 'doubles' in morrison's - lol)....programmed to be a vizard/james forrest/elliot number....remember that EFL discussion game...a political debate between elephants and mice...according to forrest - eventually one bright spark 'gets' it....that mice are supposed to terrify elephants etc etc....anyway, a word of warning - not a day to be driving 'dirty, white minis', then - let us say...."take the bus" replies BI online...or whatever other transport is available etc etc....and what else?...."dr seuss books"....ah, yes - hawker had been the only really intelligent pupil in his class of 'tards', let us say....and yes, moore hadn't learned to read or write - used a secretary with a dictophone to record all of etc etc.....what a liability....they had him going round 'in circles' for some time, in rome....asking for route directions etc etc....more mirth, when he reached his destination - regarding the apology he was to make - along the lines of 'lie-ability'....and more laughter, once 'london' had been heard to exclaim "oh, God - they're running rings around us!" etc etc....and what else?..well, i'd better explain what had happened to 'mr potts' - who had formerly told me that his name was 'potter'....'phil potter' which i had laughed and then told him about 'philpotts' and 4U pupils etc etc....hmmm....'mr potter' had been a physics teacher at langley seniors - until he had his 'fatal' accident in a dirty white mini.....moore was to find it 'odd' that he had been recruited, whilst the school was in its early years - having just been opened i.e. no need for a physics teacher until my first year had got to the point, where 'science' was taught in the labs etc etc....and yes, you've guessed it - 'mr potter' had given me my basic 'grounding' in physics...."the overview"....and that was what had made working through those coursebooks, alone - so easy...not having to attend most of the other lessons, that my form group used to do....anyway, if 'mr potter' didn't teach - then what was he doing, at that school?...well, he was a computer buff...loved nothing more than working alongside rimington within that small 'admin' block close to the school.....or rather working alone, most of the time....because rimington used to walk in and say that he had left the place in such a mess.....and so what had provoked his untimely death, that had left whalley in tears?...well, i can remember him walking out of the school foyer, with 'miss price'....who was laughing and saying in a singsong voice - that 'mr potts' was going to drive her home - she put her arm through his, like a small child...he seemed charmed by it all...despite being rather a depressed man and for most of the time - having told me that he had lost his daughter called 'harriet' and that he was finding it difficult to etc etc........anyway, that was the last time that i was to see then learn of his 'fatal accident' from sue - in the very same foyer.....looking out of the foyer doors into the carpark beyond.....moore had informed whalley that he had had a crash in his car.....very nasty, apparently.....i wasn't so sure....something was 'up'....and yet, rimington had confirmed short, rimington had been 'on the desk' running whalley, at the time...."they were both upset"....exactly that....which is cut to the chase - i can see why rimington then went after sylvia...and here's why.....potts/potter had found out what the music teacher, at langley seniors had been up to, in her small 'offshoot' room from the main hall....the racket that used to go on, in there...that small music room....having only attended a couple of that music teacher's sessions before i gave up going, then go and study maths/physic/chemistry, alone....i can remember what an extreme cacophony, that teacher used to elicit from her young pupils....a bit like  that 'kalinka' number on stage, in relation to all saints...."a cover for them all"......lynne 'n' cipolla would have known all about it - having been in that music  teacher's form registration short, she had been setting frequency tapes, 'on the quiet' irony of it all...anyway, remember sylvia's 'white noise' machine number?...the rothschild desk vs the KGB desk, as far as i can see....anyway, 'mr potts/potter' had found the tapes and then contacted the highest authorities, let us say - to question what that music teacher had been up to....there had been 6 frequency tapes, in that music room....he was to take 3 as evidence....and give the other 3 to myself....whilst telling me to hide them carefully....which i then did....his 'appeal' or 'complaint' was not successful.....he then retrieved the further 3 tapes that i had hidden in dr craig's garden.....go figure.

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