.....and what's new upon my reddit homepage, dazzlenation?....the following....hmmm...smacks of daldry and his 'agit prop' number etc etc.....anyway, regarding your latest pics, i had labelled the following swirly number 'clouds in your coffee' etc etc....oh and there's also a 'whirly birds' reference from more, let us say....remember sharon and the sycamore 'helicopter' seed etc etc....go figure:
anyway, is this all a bit 'stepford husbands'?
oh and watch out for the subliminal colour shot right after the following title...ah, i remember now - that's what grayson had wanted a reminder of...the 'tie-tell'....lol....a bit of an up-the-garden-path number....in relation to more trying to work out what 'crappy' had done, in relation to the re-wiring, let us say...regarding that 'chinese' looking building beside the jerusalem prison museum:
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