Friday 29 December 2023

 ....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?...a film that pat could remember, in could the BI italian team.......'transfer of electrons'? had said that it would be more about how everybody would 'wake up' after watching etc etc...and so quite a few memory triggers packed into 'that one' then?....hmmm....what about aztec 'smoking mirror'/'steamed-up-mirror' metaphors?...."you can't see what's going on" replies BI can only hear the screams, after having been drugged - dilated pupils etc etc...additionally, a reminder to talk about how that film had been used as programming materials and for as long as i can remember.....for example - stenson 'n' browne were to walk back into solihull sixth form common room, after a 'private viewing' to then do an 'arm-wrestling' event....a bit like a boxing ring, with everybody around, urging them on etc etc....go figure:

Dazzlenation (

anyway, in relation to the saudis - we could call this 'gaining-entry-into-the-foreign-toilet' once 'inhabited' by MI6 'sawer' 'habit' and the 'habitual' etc etc...oh and isn't the following so 'taschmanns' etc etc?...."peeling a banana" replies BI online....yes - rimington was good at that....and yes, sometimes you have to be 'cruel to be kind' - regarding so many things - including that taschmann attack in prague etc etc..."save their souls"....yes, that type of thing...give them time to reflect upon their evil ways - whilst watching how 'evil-will-eat-itself" it goes, eh?

and yes, lisa' son has just sent another comment..."the machine's gone mental" replies BI certainly has....go figure:

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