Wednesday 27 December 2023

 ....and what else is 'new', dazzlenation?...well, remember sylvia telling me that whilst studying medicine at the london, she was to learn that oscar had watched every single vampire movie, ever made....and so yes - the following, is his clue - regarding the satanic rowling cult, in relation to director 'jean rollin'....additionally icke had wanted to know who a certain de l'eau aristocratic number, had been all about - at a certain templar castle event....hmmm...'water' chateau, anybody?...remember CF quoting "my name is written in water" etc etc....anyway, this is all coming up on the back of the last house, that i have reviewed, in a recent post - dazzlenation....i.e. that house near to the seafront - in frinton...and yes, i had firstly 'tat'ed it - as being a holliday 'god on a desk' number - to then find out about sylvia finally, get gill 'n' huntingdon - on scene....or rather russian intelligence, were to do so - being housed, further up the gas humour but there you go....the pair of them had been walking 'blocks of wood', at the time....although, when i look at the title of that french movie 'requiem for a vampire''s no laughing matter..."gill's lot in life" replies BI online....could he have saved himself from it?...."everybody else tried"...and yet, having been programmed as one of the sephardim etc etc...sharon, had been similar, i suppose....they couldn't save themselves and we couldn't save them - no matter how much and for how long, we had tried...oh and remember the severely brain-damaged tomlinson rowing his boat out, in order to dump roz's body, after having etc etc....anyway, getting back to sylvia, who had openly admitted - at the time of that investigation - regarding the 'frinton' house etc etc..."the game was up" and that is because she had made friends with quasi-collie's 'shu-chen-chen' hongkong number i.e. gained access to her team of chinese colleagues, at their london base..."split ties with heather"....yes, kempson wasn't too happy, about any of it - was it goes, eh?....go figure:

What does “split ties” mean? : r/AskReddit

Dazzlenation (

Third Avenue, Frinton-on-Sea, Essex, CO13 9EQ | Property for sale | Savills

and what had been sylvia wood's input?...something around the 'civilised' way to do"freeze assets"....that type of thing...remember what china had done to the baghdadi jews?...'take it all off of them and boot them out'.....and that is because nobody wants 'tempers to run too high' as in madame defarge and her knitting needles etc etc....more laughter......go figure:

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