....and what else, dazzlenation?....'down the tunnels' with the royal family.....i wonder what mr icke thinks about 'all of that'?...."looking glass land" replies BI online....go figure:
Buckingham Palace | The Royal Family
and what about the 'plumbing' situation, you might ask....see previous notes upon the MK 'beast boiler'..."the elephant in a china shop"...(not the 'bull'?)....which chimes in with something that prince charles has recently stated....that he would like to live above a shop etc etc and yes, this is all somewhat 'deja vu'....go figure:
and what's 'that' behind him?
rewiring the palace, dazzlenation?....hmmm....something around the 'navy', let us say...and the 'flowery teacup':
additionally 'cinnamon stars' anybody?...looks a bit 'sucker-pad-octopussy' to me:
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