Saturday 30 October 2021

 ....and what's new this saturday evening, dazzlenation?...well, we're back to china....remember the senior NSA teacher....and his advice to me....regarding how to manage your classes....remember the photographs....and how by the end of the course, i was able to remember every face and put a name to every one - as well as knowing how they had done in class (all you had to do was to ask for a photo and then create a page for them - to then enter their results in a notebook etc etc)....quite easily, as it turned you began to realise just how large the remit was...of what constitutes looking 'chinese' let us say....just how different the students were, in terms of looks...having come from all over china...for example, the man-in-the-middle is reminding me of one of mr putin's men, in china...namely david miliband - dazzlenation....and then of course, we're back to 'illegitimacy'....who were your real parents etc etc....because as far as i can putin had laughed his way through it....having just had an interview with a 'court lady' who was to tell him that his chinese mother had been 'disagreeable'....which was why she had then been banned from court...after marrying a wealthy businessman and so was that the real reason for leaving court? etc etc....anyway, 'mr putin' was then given a certain amount of info about his mother...and allowed to go and visit the location(s) where etc etc....oh and there's more...apparently 'mr cern' and myself, shared the same what can i say but that he certainly looked a lot more like her, than could definitely see the resemblance.....go figure:

Dazzlenation (

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