Friday 29 October 2021

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, continuing the saga of the bathroom was to ring CHP and a very nice woman called 'victoria' was to talk me through how to turn the water off, to that tap and that tap only...unfortunately, my LIDL screw-driver kit wasn't up to it...and so this morning, i then went off to WILKO to buy a new set....and what else?...well, later on - i tried a much larger screwdriver but was unable to budge-the-nut-in-the-bolt....and yes, 'victoria' kept on saying that..."nut in the bolt"...although what she had probably meant - regarding using my screwdriver (turn the screw - wait a minute, this is all about 'mr cern' in the bathroom "turn of the screw" - lol)...anyway, i 'got' the picture - having remembered what a previous plumber had done....limescale and 'greenish/turquoise' (copper rust?) appeared to be stopping it....and yes, that is what 'victoria' had told me to do, if the damn thing started 'spurting' and pouring out water, all over the place....although it has to be said, that she was hesitant about which way i should turn the screwdriver whilst etc etc....clockwise or anti-clockwise...although decided upon clockwise, eventually....more laughter....didn't matter in the end....because i couldn't budge it, at then remember the last plumber in, who had asked me how much water pressure, i had wanted - regarding tap-water-flow...he had also had a large screwdriver...however, he had also had large muscular hands (unlike my own)...oh and i might add that even he - had had a time, forcing that nut to move...i mean 'screw' to so dazzlenation...i've done my best but with my small hands....i can't fix that tap, temporarily.....not even with the right screwdriver....and so if it starts to spurt all over the place etc etc...'victoria' was to assure me that there would always be somebody at CHP who would come out....although naturally, the whole thing wasn't an 'emergency' at present....anyway, she then told me that she would book a plumber appointment for the morning of tuesday the 2nd of december...which is just perfect, as far as i am concerned...and thanked her for her time and putting my mind at rest etc etc....oh and there's a little bit more to add....something around coding....anyway, more radio files - marines....go figure:

oh and there is a little bit more to this saga, dazzlenation....see i was walking down the stairs of belle court, i was to pass a man that certain people had wanted a reminder of.....he was dressed as an aaron services ltd operative and was carrying what appeared to be plumbing materials - to somewhere above my floor.....i asked him if he were a plumber and told him that i only wanted a bit of advice, for a temporary fix - regarding a leaking tap...he replied that he wasn't a plumber - immediately....he denied being a plumber...isn't that odd.....anyway, after having a quick chat, with him - he then offered to email CHP about the tap problem, in flat 2....which i was then to inform 'victoria' about....she laughed and told me 'no worries'....whatever his email might state....i now have an appointment booked for the 2nd of december etc etc and anything else - such as his email, would be deleted from the system....go figure.

...wait a minute....another radio file has just turned up - marines....and for that wilko pack of screwdrivers:

and they are a 209 number:

anyway, 'evidence' if you need it that a certain person had been lying when they had said that they were not a 'plumber' boiler, just like the one in my flat...anyway, the boiler currently left outside of belle court - this morning, appears to have a SIS number upon the etc etc....go figure:

and what else, dazzlenation?...well, why did i bother to ring up CHP, anyway - if there was only a 'puddle' of water around that cold water tap....and well, it is because the water pressure, from that tap - began to vary...water pressure, dazzlenation - something that i had noted previously and had therefore had a 'chat' with various CHP plumbers, beforehand.....and all they could tell me was that it was the waterboard's fault....that the water pressure varied, sometimes....which isn't a 'worry' at all...when you don't have a leaking tap...but when you do....i.e. you see a trickle.....a trickle that then suddenly starts to pour out a whole lot more water....and then fades to a trickle, again...well, you have to do 'something' - don't you?....go figure.

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