Monday, 4 October 2021

 ....okay, dazzlenation...i 'get' what you're up've been having a look at 'recent' events, up at buckingham palace, along with possibly other royal residences...and you've decided to do so via 'treats'......trick or treat, anybody?....oh and i take it that the army/navy/RAF have been doing most of the repair work....and that there is a question mark does one put it....'flowery teacups'?...."getting paid" replies BI online...well, of course - 'the palace' should pay....rather like the NHS ordering in services etc etc....and that would make quite a difference to military funds, let us say - wouldn't it?....and naturally if you are going to make the place into a museum...which i have always thought was an excellent idea...then it has to be 'safe' for large crowds of people etc etc....go figure:

Dazzlenation (

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