Thursday 28 January 2021

 .....and whilst we're on the topic of 'boot-cleaning', dazzlenation....lisa's son or should i say sue's adopted son had wanted a reminder of 'shoe polish'....'cirage', anybody?....and there's more...if anybody wants a 'sweetener' let us say.....'edulcorant' had termed the whole operation 'adolf-hitler-cormorants'....and yes, i know what this is all about.....MI6 having been paid handsomely by the ashkenazim zionist jooish-nazis/ 'grow a brain' within so many lumps of soulless meat...stephanie was to refer to them all as 'kosher'....experimental guineapigs....and with - how can i put it?....the idea of 'growing them all a brain'...."linked up" replies BI injection, by 'cut and paste' onto their microchips etc etc....more laughter...agricultural compost etc what i had termed it....'on file'....and what else is 'on file'?....oh, you'll never believe this...."strike whilst the iron's hot" replies BI online....and yes, i can see 'that'....get it done before the US electorate goes 'cold' after that recent election (normally how things are done i.e. get the most 'contested' numbers, done quickly whilst you still have some sort of 'popularity')....and well, you remember that colleague of brenda's...the one at that robin hood gardens fiasco....the one who had known what to do, in terms of pyrotechnics?....well, he was to complete a certain document, whilst in london....outlining the legal steps to change the law, within the order to let paedophilia in...and to incorporate 'paedophilia' into the US constitution, no less....and yes, you heard that 'right'....oh and brenda was to say, at the time..."we know what you're like" - after he had been accused of paedophilia, in the UK...and began to exclaim/protest that he was simply a "lover of children" and that nobody should be allowed to use the word 'paedophilia' to describe what he and his mates, were all about (violent and abusive paedophiles - who used to make their victims eat that CIA fur-cup's own faeces and drink his own urine, after having been starved for 3 days)...high-level CIA etc etc...those that had let a 'rigged election' stand..."norwegian intelligence" replies BI online....well, yes - but they had all been on CIA passes, hadn't they?..."working from the US embassy".

.....and there's more....a member of the mossad was to laugh, after  i had viewed the front of the latest edition of private eye....a 'planet of the apes' number..."it's the downfall of the american empire - see the big picture - why are you so bothered about" etc etc....which is all about what obama had 'signed on the satanic line' for, let us say....remember amadeus telling him "it's your turn now - you blacks, are to be the new international slave-drivers and because it is only fair" etc etc...a change within the slave-driving is now apparently changing hands from 'white' to 'black'....whilst those like 'amadeus' control from behind the scenes etc etc....heavens above, what a show....anyway, i would have thought that putting sir phillip and within trafalgar square - in relation to the next sweatshop, that he has opened, abroad - would be 'the way to go', as a new and nationalised TV event....for example - you could have colour-coded teams and trebuchets full of etc etc....make it a bit of a gameshow...and so every single time, that a 'top boss' is 'found out' for running sweatshops in any could have the public clamouring for them to be put into the stocks, within trafalgar square, to then be pilloried by colour-coded teams etc etc....wouldn't that be better than a straight 'swap' from white slave-traders to black?.....go figure.

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