Tuesday 26 January 2021

 .....and what's new this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?...well, in relation to 'naval-N.Y.'....i would guess, the following....something along the lines of mr putin's 'white bird' program....in relation to that prison/palace....and yes, mr putin had pressed 'white bird' upon his mobile phone, let us say.....to report an 'ice number' in terms of a new type of cocaine, in the making - according to CF.....run by the american-russians, who had been in charge of that whole covid number, in shanghai - 2003....presided over by biden et al....oh and gill's reference to a 'python' had been a 'terry jones' number....and yes, he had been present, at a certain event, at that prison/palace...talking about how he was 'frozen' i.e. the 'ice queen'....they had all been on 'rainbow juice', at the time - i might add....having found the original formula - or something else/worse?....anyway, CF had been shot by biden as a 'rabbit', within the grounds....he then 'died' for a few minutes but was to come back to life after daldry had etc etc...to then 'die' about 20 minutes later because the rest of them were too 'off of their heads' to apply the correct medical aid...and so in short, another 'waco' event...that the CIA appears to be trying to 'clean up' and this time, it had been in russia, folks - odd, isn't it?....normally the templars conduct their 'affairs' in france - however, not this time....or rather - not nowadays, let us say...i wonder 'why'?...and what else?....nota bene, that 'terry jones' had been their 'best bird'...and he had realised/intuited at an early stage -  that the whole thing, had/has been 'seen'....to then call for 'invisibility material' let us say...to cover the whole complex....which is why we now have those 'digital set-design' jokes, about the water - not looking realistic etc etc....and what else?...radio files for today, marines.....go figure:

terry, bernie and a 'big gulp':

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