Tuesday 26 January 2021

 ....and having touched upon how much power the church has, as a general theme in the last post - dazzlenation?....i am now on 'the life of brian' whilst you are on 'simulated person'..."sim and tim" replies BI online...."a couple of guineapigs" and then there's 'this'..something around 'slave jewellry' along with what rimington had told richard-the-slavering-dog after that MI5 russian course - 1980....an odd story, that richard was to relate to CF amongst many others....because he had figured that rimington had been setting him up...."for the masons to murder him"....indeed - anyway, he told CF who was horrified and immediately 'memory-dumped' himself....and what had he been told?...well, it was something around cleese borrowing an item from a masonic hall....a necklace of sorts...to then use as a prop....when questioned...cleese couldn't remember a necklace...he was to talk about an anubis egyptian dog effigy, for some reason...."they'd obviously nicked quite a bit then" replies BI online....i have no further information...anyway, according to rimington - it was that masonic item....that had caused the furore surrounding the movie release within the UK, rather than etc etc....hmmm....in retrospect, i can remember the italians saying that there hadn't been such a problem in italy....ergo - it hadn't been anything to do with italian freemasonry, then?...or something along those lines....to conclude, it seems likely that a certain masonic hall had spotted 'their stuff' within the movie.....go figure:

Brian Is Released on the Big Screen in Truro 30 Years After Ban - News (montypython.com)

Dazzlenation (tumblr.com)

monty-pythons-life-of-brian-1979-11.jpg (699×413) (wordpress.com)

and what else appears to be upon a similar theme, this evening - dazzlenation?....go figure:

"A cosy church, sandwiched between a family of skyscrapers in Moscow," says photographer Anna Kaunis

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