Friday 29 January 2021

 ....and there's more but i am uncertain as to what is being signalled here...something to do with 'richard moore' perhaps?..."crappy would know"....hmmm...yes, he used to visit that house, didn't he?...let me try to remember...i wouldn't go in.....stood outside, upon the pavement...although from a distance, i could see john scarlett, with what appeared to be a darth vader mask...and having crept up closer, to look through the window...i was to see phials of 'something'....but then they spotted me...i ran for it...robert threw a stone...he broke the window..."you've broken the window, you idiot - what are we going to do?"...whoever-was-in-the-house had disappeared from the window...into a backroom....robert was to say..."shall i ring the doorbell and say sorry?"...i was to reply "no" but he did, anyway...nobody answered, for a while....and then john baker put his head around the tell him that it was "perfectly all right" and to go away...and that's all i can remember, really....see previous post...go figure:

ライオンになったねこ。-Maru becomes a lion.- - YouTube

oh and if you are interested - dazzlenation....the letter 'M' has recently come up and in relation to a new 'triangles' diagram, let us say....and it is all about 'dearlove' who had used the M colour factors, to create it....a very nasty 'lizard' number....and yes, i can remember that dearlove had  been involved, as well...additionally, i can remember dearlove hadn't yet become the head of SIS but he used to chuckle that he was going to be...and yes, robert and i had been rather young, at the time...still at junior was rimington who had told us, to find out what was going on....she was hidden by a hedge, further down...."what did you find out?" etc etc...and so yes, dazzlenation....this is all about an ongoing 'war' between rimington 'n' dearlove....see previous notes/posts upon dearlove catching her out in chamberlain square, central b'ham etc etc...the whole 'sue whalley and her husband' number....go figure:

M (James Bond) - Wikipedia

Richard Dearlove - Wikipedia

and there he is, with his water 'knew' that water bottles would be important, this morning....see previous post....and yes, dearlove had laughed....that what was in those phials, made him feel like....'lizard-brain' anybody?...and yes, 'sim' had been present, in that house - at the time...and yes, i can finally remember, now....john baker did have a sort of 'lion wig' on...and yes, 'sim' had found it hilarious...and yes, scarlett had said that 'sim' could be given the 'darth vader' helmet...."we could give it to him, i suppose" etc etc although dearlove wasn't so sure...."i'm not sure about that" etc etc....go figure:

Richard Dearlove1 - Richard Dearlove - Wikipedia

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