Saturday 30 January 2021

 ....and what else is 'new' this saturday morning, dazzlenation?...well, nota bene....that lisa had been working for dearlove, at the time of sue's engagement party...she had even helped to 'move in' the subbuteo table, upstairs....and yes, it is a 'dearlove' day, today - in clacton...i was to spot his lookalike upon rosemary road west...followed by a 'susannah chapman' type...i was supposed to walk behind him and in front of her...i ducked the 'circuit' as it yes, the following radio file is from lisa's desk - marines....go figure:

oh and 'crappy' had wanted to know about the following....what had been up scarlett's 'sleve' for example....hmmm...and i begin to wonder, now...if that had all been about lisa's spelling, in a child alter....let me see....and a quick scan has revealed...that lisa had been allowed upon an MOD desk, by scarlett....the third man, eh?....go figure:

and there's there invariably is....i can remember boris entering dearlove's office, after he had told that ex-marine to contact dr chinn etc then be told that he would be PM....nota bene that this was 1998....boris wasn't just taken aback...he reacted in almost horror...."what....?!?.....and then - added, almost incredulously...."are you sure....?".....dearlove chuckled to himself....he didn't reply - didn't even look at boris - whilst at his computer screen...normal behaviour for him, i suppose...."in lizzard alter" replies BI online....well, 'b-lizzard' alter, to be precise - remember sylvia describing that non-existent 'snow blizzard' upon entering 14 st bernards, for the first time?....anyway, let's get back to boris, in dearlove's office and that is because....outside, in the corridor....was cameron...boris was to exit and ask him etc etc...cameron refrained from answering...he just put his hand over his mouth...presumably to stop the giggles....and so a little bird tells the joke was on boris....and so to conclude, dazzlenation....there you have it, everything but the kitchen sink....and it all began with sue's engagement party etc etc....go figure.

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