Tuesday 26 January 2021

 ....and then it is a hop, skip and a jump to 'sporgery', dazzlenation....see previous posts....and that is the topic for today, as far as i can see...due to 'little colin' having remembered 'something' around 'penny dreadfuls'.....lol.....he used to call penny stanton, 'that' (manningtree art gallery)....penny-with-a-wire-in-her-ear and all that....see previous notes....go figure:

A suspicious radio/printer for Mike Corley – We Make Money Not Art (we-make-money-not-art.com)

Sporgery - Wikipedia

North House Gallery | exhibitions | paintings | drawings | sculpture | original prints | books | modern and contemporary artists

and the essence of it all, is 'flooding' programming....now, the FBI programmed amongst us....see previous notes upon toddy 'n' andrew marr/michael richardson's gang - blackheath, late 60s....were not subject to that type of 'flooding'...we could walk past the RA cult 'RAF' full-beam light....we were not 'frozen' like statues, in front of it etc etc....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....anyway, 'little colin' could remember a trip to chessington zoo...where they still had those old 'set-designs-in-boxes' that could be operated by the insertion of a 1d penny....and then the skeletons would leap out of the closets...dracula would pop out of his coffin etc etc....and i can remember loving the whole show...little colin was quizzical, though....why did that jump out of that box etc etc...when it should be jumping out of etc etc....there appeared to have been a 'mix-up' in his mind...and seeing as i didn't have an answer to 'that one'...he walked off in a huff....go figure.

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