....and what's new this sunday morning, dazzlenation?...does anybody remember 'this one' as the fee-fo-fi-fum house of bluebeard aka dr craig?...hmmm...let me think...sylvia used to say that it was number 45....but it wasn't....john baker used to say that it was opposite, well 'almost' to his house at number 54....anyway, i'm going for no. 47 because little colin had been sure that it had been the following address....go figure:
47 St. Bernards Rd - Google Maps

and why, you might ask?....because he could remember a radio 'distress' call to the brooks' family residence, further up the road...they all then went round with a ladder - entered the backgarden through that doorway...and who was to come down it?...well, gill could remember 'slinky cat'....as in the very young sue whalley....and yes she had had a mass of light brown almost 'grey' frizzy hair, which she used to tie back loosely....and like the cat, it could look light or dark - depending upon the light source....and yes, she had been standing by a small sash window - middle of the back, of that building...anyway, the boys were to urge her to crawl out of that small opening (the window wouldn't open far) and come down the ladder 'head first'....idiotic, really...to whit, she then found another room and another window (having been 'locked in' down a certain corridor - that craig's own daughters were not allowed to enter)...one with a window that opened outwards...to then climb down the ladder...and what had been in that room?...well, pat's department were to ascertain that it had been empty apart from one old 'electric chair'...the type used in victorian psychiatry...used for electric shock treatment...you could plug it in....and so to cut a long story short....rimington had stabbed jill craig to death, after she and the children had been put through almost unimaginable hell, by that woman...think 'lisa-in-demonic-bird-of-prey' alter and you'll have pretty much got it...what jill craig had been like....additionally, jill used to have an 'abattoir' of a room, at the end of that corridor...where she stored her knives....and upon the evening of her death - she had threatened rimington and the children with one of her knives....MOD/MI5 evans was to liken their plight as to being rather like a 'sweatshop'....in a room down that corridor, that used to remind me a bit, of the 'woodwork room' at langley seniors....there were various tools around but it was mainly chemicals/drugs/electronics and cardboard boxes....anyway, jill had left that knife in the 'woodwork room' let us say...confident that it wouldn't be used against her....and what else?...well, evans was to liken the next bit, as being rather 'midwich cuckoos'....we were all to 'concentrate'...remember the power of 3 etc etc dazzlenation?...a bit like that - apart from the fact that there were more of us, present....rimington then picked up the knife and....i can remember how we all watched in horrified fascination...as jill exclaimed that she was going to die...and then ran off to her makeshift 'surgery room' at the end of the corridor....let me backtrack here, now - dazzlenation....i was also to remember rimington comforting the young sue...she was to give her slices of lime..."remember mr lime?...harry lime!" (sue had been on of scarlett's 'kittens' - later on, passed down to evans)...."it's good for them" she explained to me...."they put something in her stomach and now they've taken it out again"...sylvia used to make me fresh lemonade, after an ill cult abortion...vitamin C/fruit acid were apparently 'good' for etc etc....back street abortions....which is basically what jill used to get up to, down the corridor....nota bene that sue had been about 10, at the time...and so i doubt whether she had started her periods...and therefore, as far as i am concerned...it had been more of a 'doctor mengele' number....and what else?....well, after sue had escaped....rimington was to watch from the window....she had already been horribly electrocuted in that chair....complete and utter memory dump....dr craig was to decide to do the same to the children, too....in order to keep it all quiet...he was to attach new straps to the chair...so that we wouldn't be able to squirm free....i have no words...and so i will simply post an 'in triangles' version of the image that pat's department had scanned....from rimington's mind...the last image that she could remember before being taken to that chair...the image of dr craig's face, as he stood in corridor - upon the threshold of that 'sweatshop' room...eyeing rimington, whilst arguing with dearlove about what to do with his dead wife....go figure.

...at no1, we have the eye that he was keeping on her...at no 2 we have the tip of his nose...and at 3 the jut of his chin....framed in a pool of light, from that room...in a sort of demonic way.