Friday 30 November 2018

oh and the turtle-on-the-fence-post-biznez....was a 'tomlinson-ism', let us say.....losey appears to think that he was 'brilliant'.....BI were to code in Tomlinson as the 'im-be-seal'....the imbecile....Tomlinson's only real talent was stealing off of others and passing himself off as something that he really, really wasn't e.g. academic/intelligent/gifted/skilled....."a good actor" replies MI5 ONLINE....see previous notes upon how tomlinson had 'acquired' that MIT degree etc etc...go figure:

you want a bit more, upon the above? was ex-marine McDonald who had left a turtle upon a fence post...and yes, losey is referring to a real event....mcdonald had left it there...upon a certain 'route' order to confuse the im-be-seal......and it certainly did, I can tell you and not just him either, as it turns out - dear it goes, eh?

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