Tuesday 27 November 2018

....and yes, this Tuesday evening, I can remember what this particular clump was all about now...."send in the clowns" replies MI5 ONLINE....well, not exactly...."aren't we a pair" in relation to the twins' programming....although if you are talking 'Theresa may clowns' then you'd be talking about those like old ken and his masons....see previous notes upon all of that...anyway, I can now remember what I had to dig up, today...and that had been about a certain 'pair' working for pat's department....they were to choose all of the fabrics/textiles/styles/colours etc etc...in order to make bon marche....the 'roaring success' that it has been....additionally, whilst engaged in the whole project...they were to find out that the FO were blackmailing their staff, remorselessly....along the lines of putting together huge 'reports' which included mainly references to financial crime (most of the items were made up but most people figured that they had defaulted, let us say upon what went on that list "but couldn't remember quite when")....and why financial crime, you might ask - dear reader?....because you can get put away for 'financial crime' for longer than for say...murder....and the FO had been in the biznez of  threatening their staff, along the lines of...."this will be hanging over your head for the rest of your life"...."if you do not obey orders"..."we'll put you away for life" etc etc....oh and younger had been on the same blackmail list....additionally, I can remember buller's report upon myself...sent to McDonald - shanghai 2003...I was to have a brief look at it...laugh in his face....and say "I've never had any money"....McDonald then replied that didn't mean that etc etc...to which I then countered...that I had never had a mortgage or a car...or investments...or my own business etc etc....and laughed, again (McDonald had been sent a generic british FO 'blackmail' sheet, let us say)...to then refer him to my FBI report - see previous notes upon being one of the 'most trusted' let us say...with an extremely high security clearance....go figure.

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