Friday 30 November 2018

....and what else?...well, I wonder if my father is going to send me that 'Jacquie Lawson Christmas calendar' this year?....see previous notes upon the rowling/random house mob coding their satanic cult - into the illustrations/animations...."to program children with" replies MI5 ONLINE...yes, ill cult programmers always talk about the 'real meaning' behind what appears to be an entirely innocent etc etc...anyway, let me see....and it's the st Andrew's flag - see previous notes/posts from Friday evening....go figure.

the saltire...let me see....quite a few flags under 'that one', which one would the programmers have 'preferred' let us terms of talking about the 'real meaning' etc etc.....hmmm....that Miami one...and yes, a scan has just revealed.....go figure:

the programmers had figured that the blue/green cross emblem....had looked a bit like a tarot card....and decided to link it to the 'magician card' of the rider-waite pack....remember 'X' means 'king' in this satanic cult - see previous notes upon the lithostrotos museum, Jerusalem...and the game, that the roman soldiers had apparently played whilst torturing etc etc - see previous notes....go figure:

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