Saturday, 3 December 2016

...this evening, the marines' network were to report that a certain operation had been a success...and it had involved what gill had been referring to....whilst talking about the 'nipsy' short, they used to 'come up close' upon the networks when somebody was in extreme pain - and 'feed' off of that pain...go figure as to what the operation involved....a trap was laid with bait...somebody who had the same-as-gill on his chip...that japanese number....oh and david miliband was horrified...would he also be used in the same way? he had asked for what gill had on his chip - to be transferred to his own....go figure.

anyway, back to this morning - and so what had been going on? well...."it was a case of the milibands" replies MI5 ONLINE....yes, i was to photograph number 95, rosemary road west - from that 'pen and inkstand' solicitor's...having finally realised the 'ice-cream-cone' effect upon the front-of-that-building.....and what mcdonald had been 'on about' so many years ago relation to 'mad-dog-in-the-night-time-david-miliband'....."working for jacob rothschild" replies MI5 ONLINE...well, actually he used to report to a ukrainian mafia boss first...who then relayed 'whateveritwas' on to see, jacob had realised that any 'close connections' to the milibands - would not have been advisable....seeing as they had been programmed as 'jooish satanic zionists' at haut de la garenne, as children....see previous notes.

...anyway, back to that parasitical race of 'parrots'...the 'spongers'....those who soaked up everything....remember the soulful and the soulless?...."soaked it up in a robotic fashion" replies MI5 ONLINE....yes, just 'robots' basically...and robots can't really 'think' - they can only copy...and today - the majority of those 'parrot spongers', were to have their plugs pulled...and so the result is? more sponging, eh?

what else? well i was to pick up on an ill cult 'thread'....which the miliband 'division' had been planning...."half-heartedly" replies BI ONLINE...oh i am not too sure...because that CIA ill cult team is still furious at having been 'outed' for that 'robot-rowling-calendar' and to whit, they have been doing 'poisonous things' behind the scenes....despite not daring to openly attack somebody who is a 'front' for a pentagon/marines operation...go figure.

...and so what had that 'miliband-dog-in-the-night-time' operation been all about, today? seeing as we must be nearing the end of this 13th one ill cult game....

i was to pick up the following upon the networks, this morning...."i'll call myself larry the lamb looking for his lost daughter"...."we'll pretend that you are her 'lost father'...whilst talking about her 'last father"....."we'll reprogram her as an RNLI volunteer and then lose her at sea"....

none of the above 'made sense'....until i was to have a look at the newspaper-stand, in sainsbury's...and the headlines...apparently somebody called 'larry the lamb' is looking forward to meeting his longlost daughter or something like that...i have no idea what the news story is about and nor i bother to look.....anyway, i was then to remember the cctv of the ill cult, waving a newspaper around...."hot off the press" replies BI ONLINE...go figure.

....what else? well that "we'll reprogram her as an RNLI volunteer" a really nasty number....and the idea being?

.... well - remember that 'emet-lookalike' that i used to chat to now and then? the last time that i was to meet him - by chance, was outside of the library - we then took photos of that 'nudist cycle ride' which was also unexpected - see previous notes....anyway, in his senior years - way past retirement but apparently still active upon the RNLI board of governors or 'whatever-it-is-that-he-does-now' with them (if he does anything at all - and that is a moot point)....see previous notes....

anyawy, the ill had been hoping to drug and kidnap me, the usual way...and so what can i say about the ill cult's 'impression' of myself - as the woman RNLI volunteer, in the photo?...well....the-woman-in-the-photo has my basic 'look' taken by 'military-mason-who-ran-lazy-cat' and so you can trace it back to him...perhaps? much so that the photo was to make me think that it might be a photo of myself (but how could it be? etc etc)...until inspecting it then realise that it was more of an 'IAN RICKSON' number.....the 'lack-of-a-bow' to the upper lip.....the 'downturn' to the eyes.....the 'small brown mole' to the left and down of the mouth - near to the chin etc etc....

oh and i should note the following....the man who had tipped me off to that RNLI poster....had been walking down rosemary road then stop at that shop display and stare 'hard' at it....i was then realise why he had been looking at it 'that hard'....go figure.


what else?

well, i was then to think about plastic surgery...the ill do it so 'cover-up' whatever....they want hidden....the 'blow-up' why is the word BOTULISM coming up? bo-tu-lism....something around the 'tu' - see previous notes upon amadeus coding himself in as the 'tu'...

and then i was to think about....the faces of the 'stars of hollywood' - those whose skin tends to look rather like an ice skating know how the icerink is 'topped up' every so often....but you can still see the 'scars' below the new ice surface, on the top of the former relation to the skating marks...and that is when i was to remember who the marines had chosen for their first 'nip-see' experiment...go figure.

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